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cnl.sie.bupt.cn 第二章 通信信源模型和M/M/1排队系统 通信网实验室 cnl.sie.bupt.cn Siméon Denis Poisson Born: 6/21/1781-Pithiviers, France Died: 4/25/1840-Sceaux, France “Life is good for only two things: discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.” Siméon Denis Poisson Poisson’s father originally wanted him to become a doctor. After a brief apprenticeship with an uncle, Poisson realized he did not want to be a doctor. After the French Revolution, more opportunities became available for Poisson, whose family was not part of the nobility. Poisson went to the école Centrale and later the école Polytechnique in Paris, where he excelled in mathematics, despite having much less formal education than his peers. Poisson’s education and work Poisson impressed his teachers Laplace and Lagrange with his abilities. Unfortunately, the école Polytechnique specialized in geometry, and Poisson could not draw diagrams well. However, his final paper on the theory of equations was so good he was allowed to graduate without taking the final examination. After graduating, Poisson received his first teaching position at the école Polytechnique in Paris, which rarely happened. Poisson did most of his work on ordinary and partial differential equations. He also worked on problems involving physical topics, such as pendulums and sound. Poisson’s accomplishments He has many mathematical and scientific tools named for him, including Poissons integral, Poissons equation in potential theory, Poisson brackets in differential equations, Poissons ratio in elasticity, and Poissons constant in electricity. He first published his Poisson distribution in 1837 in Recherches sur la probabilité des jugements en matière criminelle et matière civile. 2.1泊松过程 2.1.1 Poisson过程 下面通过描述到达电话交换机的呼叫流来引入Poisson过程。 到达交换机的电话呼叫流或顾客在一定条件下满足下面几个条件: Poisson过程定义 (1)平稳性:在区间 内有k个呼叫到来的概率与起点a无关,只与时间区间的长度有关,这个概率记为 (2)无后效性:不相交区间内到达的呼叫数是相互独立的; (3)普通性:令 表示长度为t的区间内至少到达两个呼叫的概率, 则 (4)有限性:在任意有限区间内到


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