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中小学教师培训的有效性研究 上海师范大学 硕士学位论文 中小学教师培训的有效性研究 姓名:光佳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育技术学 指导教师:凌以民 摘要 教师专业化发展既是全球教师教育研究的主要方向,也是当前我国教育改革 的重点问题.随着我国教育事业的发展和基础教育的改革,中小学教师培训成为 我国教师教育的一个重要课题本文主要针对目前我国教师培训中存在的人财物投入巨大、部分培训项目效 率不高等问题,论述了对于教师培训项目的效果进行研究的必要性。解释了教师 培训有效性研究的内涵和研究的两个维度:教师评价和项目评估。并进一步通过 问卷调查的结果验证和说明划分这两个维度的可行性。 在对我国教师培训现状进行分析的基础上,指出了我国教师培训项目评估的 特点,以及存在的不足。以美国NCATE的评价标准项目为例,归纳了其围绕标 准制定建立起来的教师培训评估体系。和英国以ICT培训为代表的市场化的教师 培训项目运作模式及特点。结合国内外情况的对比研究,得出我国教师培训缺乏 专业的项目管理、教师评价一标准不统一、缺少市场化的教师培训项目、需要自下 而上的建立教师培训评价标准等一系列启示。 文章最后部分根据笔者在学习期间所参与的教师培训项目,介绍了从两个维 度对于教师培训进行评估的方法;根据实践的结果分析了部分方法存在的缺陷和 不足,并给出了改进建议, 【关键字】:教师培训、有效性、评价方案 ABSTRACT The Professionalism of Teachers is not only the global tide in teacher education research, but also the issue of educational innovation in China. With the development of educational enterprise and the reform of elementary education, teacher training shows the signs of concernment. Aimed to the problems in our teacher training such as the huge devotion of money and manpower, the low eficiency of design, organization, implement and asessment, the author discusses the necesary,of research in the efectiveness of teacher training program, and expounds the point of细o dimensions in the efectivenes of teacher training program: Teachers Evaluation and Projects Estimation. Basing the analysis of actualities, the author points the features and the exiting deficiencies of our teacher training programs. Seting the example by NCATE Assessment Examples Project, the author sums the asesments system around the criteria in preparation of teachers in U.S.人and the model of market-based functioni n ICT teacher training program in U.K. Comparing the diference in domestic and aboard, the conclusions are drawn that we lack the profesional program organization, there are too many criteria in teacher evaluation, so the foundation of school-based teacher evaluation system us is required. The last part of this paper, the author introduces a teacher training pro


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