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在生意场合着装稍有不慎就会使人有非常不舒服的感觉,需要有对应的良策。糟糕的事实是:办公时“着装不协调”不仅会使这个穿着不得体的人过不好这一天,也会使同他(她)接触的人难受。 When should you dress up盛装打扮 or dress down穿着朴素? 你该何时盛装,何时便装? Offices vary when it comes to dress codes. Some businesses have very high standards for their employees and set strict guidelines for office attire, while others maintain a more relaxed attitude. However, it is always important to remember that no matter what your company’s attitude is regarding what you wear, you are working in a business environment and you should dress accordingly. Certain items may be more appropriate for evening wear than for a business meeting, just as shorts and a T--shirt are better suited for the beach than for an office environment. Your attire should reflect both your environment and your position. A senior vice president副总裁 has a different image to maintain than that of a secretary or sales assistant. Like it or not, you will be judged by your personal appearance. 不同的单位对着装有不同的要求。有些公司对其雇员高标准要求,对办公室的着装有严格的规定,而有些公司则对此采取较宽容的态度。但无论你所在的公司对你的穿着采取何种态度,你是在一个商务环境中工作,你的着装应与之相配,记住这一点非常重要。有些衣服更适于做晚礼服而不宜出现在商务会议上,正如短裤(short pants)和T恤衫更适合在海滨穿着而不适于在办公室一样。你的衣着既应反映你的环境又应反映你的职位。高级副总裁应保持的形象不应等同于秘书或销售助理。无论你是否认同,别人将通过你的个人形象来判断你的一切。 This is never more apparent than on “dress--down days”, when what you wear can say more about you than any business suit ever could. In fact, people will pay more attention to what you wear on dress--down days than on “business professional” days. Thus, when dressing in “business casual” clothes, try to put some flair眼光 into your wardrobe choices, recognize that the “real” definition of business casual is to dress just one notch水平,等级 down from what you would normally wear on business--professional attire days. Avoid jeans, worn, wrinkled polo shirts马球衬衫, sneakers, scuffed磨损的 shoes, halter露背上装 tops, and revealing暴露,揭露 blouses. For men, try wearing a neat pair of pants and a buttoned shirt with long or short sleeves that has more color or texture手感,质地 in the fabric织物,构造. For women, wear s


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