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基于引力搜索和分布估计混合离散优化算法   摘 要:      针对传统离散引力搜索算法(GSA)容易陷入局部最小解的问题,提出了一种引力搜索和分布估计的混合离散算法GSEDA。通过有效地利用个体在引力搜索的历史统计信息,结合分布估计建立的概率分布模型,生成新的具有全局统计意义的优良解,继而更新搜索群体,使算法搜索更加平衡了空间的开发和探索能力,从而使得算法具有更强的跳出局部最优解的能力。仿真实验结果表明提出的新算法比传统算法具有更好的优化性能和鲁棒性。   ?ス丶?词:引力搜索算法; 分布估计; 旅行商问题;NP??hard问题;局部最优解      ?ブ型挤掷嗪?: TP391.4      文献标志码:A   英文标题??      Hybrid discrete optimization algorithm based on??   gravity search and estimation of distribution   ?び⑽淖髡呙?         JIANG Yue??1, SHEN Dongmei??2,ZHAO Yan??1, GAO Shangce????2??*??   ?び⑽牡刂?(         1.Department of Internet of Things, Jiangsu College of Information Technology, Wuxi Jiangsu 214153, China??;????   2.College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China      英文摘要)??   Abstract:   According to the problem of the traditional Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) such as falling into the local minimum point easily, a hybrid algorithm based on Estimation of Distribution (ED) and gravitational search (GSEDA) was proposed. By characterizing the distribution of current solutions found by GSA, ED was used to generate promising solutions based on the constructed probability matrix, thus guiding the search to new solution areas. The proposed GSEDA was able to balance the exploration and exploitation of the search, therefore possessing a better local optima jumping capacity. The experimental results based on the traveling salesman problem indicate that GSEDA performs better than traditional algorithms in terms of solution quality and robustness.   英文关键词??Key words:      Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA); Estimation of Distribution (ED); Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP); NP??hard problem; local optimal solution??   0 引言 ??   引力搜索算法(Gravitational Search Algorithm, GSA)是一种新型元启发式搜索算法????[1]??。GSA利用粒子群体对解空间进行搜索,群体中的所有个体的质量都对应着待解问题的适应度,其所处的空间位置对应着问题的解,个体间的作用力遵循万有引力定律。在算法初期,所有个体随机存在于搜索空间中的任意位置,随着时间的推移,个体由于受到其他个体的作用力影响而不断改变其自身位置,且质量越大的个体,对其他个体的引力越大,从而在宏观上造成所有个体都朝向质量最大的个体逐渐移动,并最终收敛到质量最


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