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PAGE PAGE 2 博士學位課程培養計劃 Doctoral Students Study Plan 學院 :   Faculty 研究生姓名 :          Student Name 學號 :       Student No 課程 :          Program 專業 :        Discipline 指導教師 :         Supervisor 填表日期 :         Date 填表說明 本培養計劃是澳門科技大學研究生培養重要記錄,是考核的依據之一。 This study plan will serve as a vital record for the Macau University of Science and Technology for students’ evaluation. 本培養計劃由研究生導師負責並指導研究生填寫。在導師確定後一個月內完成一至三部分的填寫,其餘各部分隨學習進度逐步完成。 Graduate students shall fill out this study plan under the supervisor’s guidance. Section 1 to 3 should be completely filled within the first three months after supervisor has been confirmed and remaining sections to be completed according to study progress. 本培養計劃一經學院批准確認,即存檔,作為對研究生教學培養的重要依據存入學生學籍檔案。指導教師和研究生應認真予以執行落實。 Once approved by the Faculty, this study plan will be recorded in student’s personal profile for important academic training basis. Supervisor and graduate students should implement this plan conscientiously. 課程所屬學院有權按本院相關規定予以檢查、督促、落實。 Respective faculty reserves the right of examination, supervision and implementation of this study plan in accordance to the provision stipulated by the University 填寫本表應嚴肅、認真,內容應符合澳門特區和本大學的有關規定,並同時參照研究生培養方案的相關規定。 This study plan should be filled seriously and conscientiously and in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Macau SAR Government and the University; and also with reference to the requirements of postgraduate program. 一、個人情況 Personal Profile 研究生簡況 Student’s Information 姓名 Name 性別 Gender 出生年月 Birthday 學號 Student No. 入學時間 Admission Date 預計畢業日期 Expected Graduation Date 學科、專業 Discipline 入學前學歷、學位 Academic Record, Degree 家庭地址 Home Address 通訊位址 Mailing Address 聯絡電話Contact No. 聯絡郵箱 E-Mail Add. 二、專業研究方向與初步學習計劃 Research Dir


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