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山东科技大学学生毕业设计(论文) PAGE 第 页/ 共 页 山东科技大学学生毕业设计(论文) 第 页/ 共 页 摘要 在日益多变的市场条件下,良好的经营品牌可以使企业的竞争力外化为具体的消费者利益,因而能够长期地为企业带来较高的超额利润。品牌竞争力是以产品的优良品质为基础、通过企业市场运营,由消费者感知品牌而在市场上表现出来的竞争能力。创达电子有限公司作为新型的创业企业,其自身的经济基础相对薄弱,政府与企业本身在品牌竞争力的认识和发展上存在诸多不足。 本文立足于潍坊创达电子有限公司,探讨如何提升创达电子有限公司的品牌竞争力。根据品牌和品牌竞争力的基本理论,结合实地考察所获得的客观资料,深入研究品牌竞争力的影响因素,分析创达电子有限公司在品牌竞争中存在的问题,为本企业进一步加深对品牌竞争力的认识提供理论分析,探索在潍坊独特的政治经济、人文地理环境中,提高品牌竞争力的对策。 本文分为五章。在第一章绪论中,对本文论题提出的背景、研究的目标与意义进行概述,同时,对国内外相关文献进行了回顾,并作出评价。在第二章相关理论的概述中,对一些基本概念如品牌、竞争力、品牌竞争力、等进行界定;同时也说明了品牌竞争力的来源、构成要素和评价指标。第三章中描述了创达电子有限公司的基本情况,并针对创达电子有限公司在品牌竞争力方面的发展现状,分析其存在的问题。第四章针对创达电子有限公司在品牌竞争力方面存在的问题,分析出本企业提升品牌竞争力的策略。第五章为结束语,对本文所述的内容做了总结,并且总结出了本文所存在的缺点。 关键词: 创达电子有限公司;品牌竞争力;品牌意识 Abstract Under the changeable market condition, the good management brand may cause outside day by day enterprises competitive power to change into the concrete consumer benefit, can thus bring the high excess profit for the enterprise for a long time. The brand competitive power is take the product good quality as the foundation, through the enterprise market operation, by consumer sensation brand, but displays in the market competitive ability. ChuangDa the electronic Limited company to take the new undertaking enterprise, its own economic development foundation is relatively weak, the government and the enterprise itself has many insufficiencies in the brand competitive powers understanding and the development. This article bases in Weifang ChuangDa the electronic Limited company, how discusses to promote to create reaches the electronic Limited companys brand competitive power. ChuangDa the electronic Limited company to take the new undertaking enterprise, its own economic development foundation is relatively weak, the government and the enterprise itself has many insufficiencies in the brand competitive powers understanding and the development. This article bases in Weifang creates reaches the electronic Limited company, how discusses to promote to ChuangDa the electronic Limited compan


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