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中国农学通报 2009,25(20):82-89 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 银耳微波真空干燥工艺优化的研究 黄 艳,郑宝东 (福建农林大学食品科学学院,福州350002) 摘 要:【研究目的】获取银耳微波真空干燥的最优工艺。【方法】采用二因子二次回归通用旋转组合设计, 分析微波强度及真空度2 个变量对干燥时间、复水比、银耳多糖含量以及单位能耗的影响,根据实验数据 建立描述4 个指标的二次回归模型,对变量进行响应面分析,并采用评价函数法优化干燥工艺。【结果】微 波强度和真空度对干燥时间、复水比、银耳多糖含量以及单位能耗均有显著影响。银耳微波真空干燥工 艺的最佳参数为:10 W/g ,-90 kPa 。【结论】该工艺参数可为生产出高品质银耳干品提供理论依据。 关键词:银耳;微波真空干燥;工艺;优化;响应面分析 中图分类号:TS201.1 文献标识码:A 论文编号:2009-1116 Study on Optimization of Microwave Vacuum Drying Technology for Tremellafuciformis Huang Yan, Zheng Baodong (College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002) Abstract: 【OBJECTIVE】The optimization of microwave vacuum drying technology for Tremella fuciformis was studied. 【METHOD】A two factors quadratic regression general rotary unitized design was adopted to optimize the technology for Tremella fuciformis and the effect of microwave intensity and vacuum degree on drying time, rehydration ratio, Tremella polysaccharide contents and unit energy consumption were analyzed. Based the ex⁃ perimental data, the quadratic regression model of four indexes were established, then variables were analyzed with response surface methodology(RSM) ,and evaluation function method was applied to optimize drying tech⁃ nology. 【RESULTS】Microwave intensity and vacuum degree had significant influences on drying time, rehydra⁃ tion ratio, Tremella polysaccharide contents and unit energy consumption. The optimal microwave vacuum dry⁃ ing technology for Tremella fuciformis was determined as follows: microwave intensity was 10 W/g and vacuum degree was -90k


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