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2 5 环境 工程学 报 Vol. 2, No. 5 2 0 0 8 5 Ch inese Journal of Environm entalEngineering M ay 2 0 0 8 * 张 军 岑新光 解 强 王艳艳 李兰亭 ( () , 00083) , , , ; , : 7% , 00~ 300, 90~ 20 , 30 m in, 0 r/m in, 50% ~ 65% O6473 + 4 A 6739 08( 2008) 0507 605 Decoloration of waste vegetab le oil by activated carbon adsorp tion Zhang Jun Cen X inguang X ieQ iang W ang Y anyan L i Lanting ( School ofChem ical and Environm ental Eng ineering, China University ofM ining Technology, Beij ing 00083) Abs tract Decoloration ofw aste vegetable oil p lays an mi portant role in the mi provement of oil quality and the process of preparation of biologic diesel from recycled oi.l The effects of origin from representative ligneous and coaly activated carbons, structure, capab ility of activated carbons and processparameters on the decoloration efficiency w ere expermi entally investigated. The resu lts show that activated carbon based on lign ite and w eakly caking coal is better for decoloration. The specifications of activated carbon such as total pore volume, specific surface area, m icropore specific surface area, m icropore volum e, iodine number value, methylene blue number of activated carbon are not obviously relevant to its decoloration capacity. M eanwh ile, mesopore volume and av erage pore diameter of activated carbon are proper indices. The w eakly cak ing coalbased activated carbon is chosen as decolorant and the optmi ized param eters for decoloration process is established as follow ings: activated carbon concentration is 7%; sizes of activated carbon is 00~ 300 mesh; in itialdecoloration temperature is 90~ 20; adsorption tmi e is 30 m in and agitating


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