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Cognition Mental processes involved in thinking, knowing, perceiving, learning, and remembering, also the contents of these processes Sensation and Perception Learning goals 1.define Sensation and Perception 2.Main laws of sensitivity 3.Main characters of perception Sensation Sensation The process in which the sense organs’ receptor cells are stimulated and reply initial information to higher brain centers for further processing Vision: building a world of color and form Hearing: identifying and localizing sounds The skin and body sense: from touch to movement Smell and taste: the chemical senses Sensory Deprivation Sensory Deprivation tank Visual and auditory hallucinations sensitivity sensitivity and sensory threshold sensory adaptation sensory contrast Sensory Interaction Compensation and development of sensory sensitivity and sensory threshold Absolute threshold The minimum amount of physical energy needed for an observer to perceive a stimulus is called an absolute threshold Vision building a world of color and form Hearing identifying and localizing sounds Taste the chemical senses Smell the chemical senses The skin and body sense from touch to movement Difference threshold (just-noticeable difference) JND The lowest level of stimulation required to sense that a change in stimulation has occurred. Weber’s law The principle that the JND for any given sense is a constant fraction or proportion of the stimulation being judged. △I/I = K Sensory adaptation The tendency of sensory systems to respond less to stimuli that continue without change. dark adaptation light adaptation Sensory contrast Sensory Interaction Compensation and development of sensory Aftereffects Afterimage Perception Perception The process by which an organism selects and interprets sensory input so that it acquires meaning. The Subjective Nature of Objectivity Common Fate Characters of perception perceptual selectiveness pe


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