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举例:怀孕时得了甲亢会遗传给孩子吗? 问:陈女士,27岁。怀孕时诊断为甲亢,一直服用PTU治疗,每个月监测甲功,现产后3月余。请问怀孕时得了甲亢会遗传给孩子吗? 答:甲亢是自身免疫性疾病,外界抗原入侵,产生抗体刺激甲状腺而导致甲亢。但为什么有些人细菌病毒感染后产生抗体,有些人不会呢?说明存在一定的遗传易感性。 遗传易感性(某些人对某些抗原特别敏感)会遗传。 甲亢是一种多基因疾病,其遗传易感性以及发病是由多个基因位点共同决定的,这就有概率问题。 所以是否遗传还很难说,其遗传概率尚待进一步的研究。 举例:产后出现甲亢可以哺乳吗? 问:沈女士,33岁。6年前诊断为甲亢,服用PTU两年后治愈。现产后两个月,出现心慌、手抖症状,至医院检查结果提示甲亢复发。请问我现在可以继续哺乳吗? 答:哺乳过程中出现甲亢,乳汁中所含的T4量就会增高,新生儿自身的甲状腺发育就会受影响,必须等甲功正常后才能哺乳。服用PTU甲功控制正常后可以继续哺乳,但需要弃去服药后6小时的母乳。 举例:甲亢孕妇忌碘,孩子会缺碘吗? 问:孙女士,24岁,孕4月+时确诊为甲亢,一直服用PTU治疗,严格忌碘,请问这样会造成孩子缺碘吗?会影响智力发育吗? 答:只有FT4能通过胎盘,孩子需要的是FT4,只要母亲Ft4不低,孩子就不缺碘。 所以甲亢的母亲只要TRAb阳性,就要继续忌碘。 * Follicles: the Functional Units of the Thyroid Gland. The follicles are the functional, secretory units of the thyroid gland.1 Follicular cells produce thick, proteinaceous colloid1,2 that fills the lumen.2,3 Colloid is composed primarily of thyroglobulin (Tg).4 Thyroglobulin is a high-molecular weight glycoprotein that facilitates the assembly of thyroid hormones within the thyroid follicular lumen.1 The amino acid tyrosine, which is incorporated within the molecular structure of Tg,1 becomes iodinated.2 Iodine is bound to tyrosyl residues in Tg at the apical surface of the follicle cells to form, in turn, monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT).1 MIT and DIT combine to form the 2 biologically active thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).1 In addition to providing the matrix for thyroid hormone synthesis,5 the Tg molecule also stores a large supply of iodine and thyroid hormone for secretion at a steady rate or on demand.5 References Braverman LE, Utiger RD, eds. The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott, Williams Wilkins; 2000:488. Fauci AS, et al, eds. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine. 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1998:2012. 3. DeGroot LJ, Larson PR, Hennemann G: The Thyroid and Its Diseases. Chapter 1: Phylogeny, ontogeny, anatomy, and metabolic regulation of the thyroid, revised 01 August 2002 by


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