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WORD文档下载可编辑 PAGE 专业技术资料分享 蓝宝日日练 P101 一、词形变化 1. confused; confusing; confusion 2. congratulation 3. connected; connection 二、语法填空 1. on 2. to 3. confusing; confused 三、补全句子 1. in conflict 2. is connected with 3. There is a connection 四、英译汉或汉译英 1. 接触不良 2. 1066年,诺曼人征服了英格兰,开始了在这个国家的统治。 3. 接线员把她的电话转接到了警察局。 4. I want to express my congratulations on your success. 5. I’m writing to you in connection with your job application. 蓝宝日日练 P102 一、词形变化 1. unconscious; consciousness 2. consequent; consequently 3. considerable; considering; considered; considerate; consideration; considerately 二、语法填空 1. taking 2. Considering 三、补全句子 1. are conscious of 2. as a consequence / in consequence 3. All things considered 四、英译汉或汉译英 1. 恢复知觉 2. 人天性保守,不喜欢改变。 3. My father coughs frequently as a consequence of / in consequence of smoking. 4. Conservation of water is of great importance. 5. He considered it a great honour to be invited to the party. 蓝宝日日练 P103 一、词形变化 consistently 二、语法填空 1. consideration 2. consisting 3. made 三、补全句子 1. in consideration of 2. a constant stream of visitors / tourists 四、英译汉或汉译英 1. 对她来说,每月买衣服是一大笔费用。 2. 确保时态一致。 3. It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late. 4. A constant dropping wears away a stone. 5. I would appreciate it if you could take my proposal into consideration. 6. Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures. 7. Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms. 蓝宝日日练 P104 一、词形变化 1. construction 2. consumer; consumption 3. container 二、语法填空 1. was constructed 2. to live 三、补全句子 1. under construction 2. get / keep / stay in contact with 3. make contact with 4. am content with 四、英译汉或汉译英 1. 查阅参考书 2. 小强尼摸着包,很想知道里面装的什么。 3. 他是个当代作家。 4. You should consult with your parents about your future plans. 5. Looking after the children, cooking and cleaning are time-consuming. 6. Please contact me by e-mail if you are interested. 7. Happy is he who i


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