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第 29卷第 4期 重 庆 交通 大学 学 报 ( 自然 科学 版) V ol. 29 N o. 4 2010 年 8月 JOURNA L O F CH ONGQ ING J IAOTONG UN IVER SITY ( NATURA L SC IEN CE) A ug. 2010 1 1 2 储庆中, 张家应 , 谢之权 ( 1. , 22 1000; 2. , 200092) , , Pydev , Py thon T ran sCAD , , , ; ; ; U 491. 1 A 1674 - 0 696 ( 2010) 04 - 0597 - 07 Road Network Design forHazardousMaterialsTransportation Based on BilevelProgramming 1 1 2 CHU Q ingzhong , ZHANG J iay ing , X ie Zh iqu an ( 1. X uzhou A irforce Co llege, X uzhou 221000, J iang su, China; 2. Sh angh ai J i an T ran spo tation Con sulting Co. , L td. , Sh angh ai 200092, China) Abstract:A fte r analyzing bileve l ch arac teristics o f tran spo rtation design, a bileve l tran spo rtation p lann ing m ode lw ith gov e rnm ent s exp ecta tion o f risk sm in mi ization and transporte rs exp ectation of cost sm in mi iza tion w as developed. W ith Pydev as its p latform, calcu lation and resu lts could be achieved based on Py thon prog ramm ing and T ransCAD through genetic a l gor ism. Through case stu dy, it w as ind icated th at optmi al so lution s cou ld be obta ined through g eneric algorithm and the out com e, c lose to the low est netw o rk r isk w as in agreem ent w ith exp ectation. ey words: h azardous m a terials transporta tion; ne wt ork design; bileve l planning; g enetic algorism ( GA ) , , , , , , , ,


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