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我的家乡——安庆 My Hometown——Anqing 安庆市位于安徽省西南部,长江下游北岸,是长江沿岸著名的港口城市。现辖桐城市、怀宁、枞阳、潜山、岳西、太湖、望江、宿松7县及迎江、大观、宜秀3区,总面积1.5 3万平方公里,总人口 6 1 0万人。其中市区面积8 2 1平方公里,人口7 3万。 Anqing, lying on the north bank of the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the southwest of Anhui province, is a famous port city. Under its jurisdiction are one county-level city of Tongcheng, seven counties of Huaining, Zongyang, Qianshan, Yuexi, Taihu, Wangjiang, Susong and three urban districts of Yingjiang, Daguan and Yixiu. It covers a total area of 15.300km2 with a population of 6.1million, with an urban area accounting for 550 km2 and urban residents of 730,000. 国家历史文化名城 National-level Historical and Cultural City 安庆历史悠久,人文荟萃,是国家历史文化名城。东周时期安庆是古皖国所在地,安徽省简称“皖”即由此而来。安庆城始建于公元1217年,至今已有近800年的历史。东晋诗人郭璞曾称“此地宜城”,故安庆又别名“宜城”。从清乾隆二十五年(1760)到民国二十六年(1938),安庆一直是安徽省省会和全省政治、经济、文化中心,是中国较早接受近代文明的城市之一。 As a national-level historical and cultural city, Anqing has enjoyed a long and rich history. In the Dongzhou period, Anqing was the seat of the Wan country, from which the short term Wan for Anhui province is derived. Established in 1217, Anqing has a history of nearly 800 years. In the Dongjing Dynasty, the renowned poet, Guo Pu, noted that Anqing was a very livable city; hence it is also referred as Yicheng(Chinese words for livable city). Anqing was the capital city and the center of politics, economy and culture in Anhui province from 1760 to 1938. 安庆还是中国较早接受近代文明的城市之一。清咸丰十一(1861)年曾国藩创办的安庆内军械所,制造了中国第一台蒸汽机和第一艘机动船;清光绪年间陈独秀在安庆举办藏书楼演说、创办《安徽俗话报》,第一次试举起“新文化”的旗帜;光绪三十三年(1907)、三十四年(1908)先后发生在安庆的徐锡麟巡警学堂起义和熊成基炮马营起义,接连打响了辛亥革命第一枪和新军起义的第一枪;安徽省的第一座发电厂、第一座自来水厂、第一家电报局、第一部电话、第一条官办公路、第一个飞机场、第一个现代图书馆、第一所大学、第一张报纸……都诞生在这里。 Anqing was also one of the earliest cities in China to embrace the industrial revolution .The first steam engine and the first motor boat in China were made in Anqing. In addition, it is also the home of the first power plant, water supply plant, telegraph office, telephone, officially-funded road, airport, modern l


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