小儿外感发热论文小儿外感发热 银葛清解汤 肺卫风热证 临床观察与研究.doc

小儿外感发热论文小儿外感发热 银葛清解汤 肺卫风热证 临床观察与研究.doc

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小儿外感发热论文小儿外感发热 银葛清解汤 肺卫风热证 临床观察与研究

小儿外感发热论文:小儿外感发热 银葛清解汤 肺卫风热证 临床观察与研究 【中文摘要】外感发热是小儿时期最常见的疾病之一。本病多起病急,初起以上呼吸道症状为主要表现,如不及时治疗,可引起喉炎、中耳炎、肺炎,甚至诱发心肌炎、急性肾小球肾炎等疾病,或引起高热神昏,抽搐,严重可危及生命。目前,对本病的治疗尚缺乏比较理想的药物,因此开展中医药治疗小儿外感发热的临床研究具有积极的意义。导师张骠教授从事儿科临床工作近30年,在实践中积累了中医药治疗外感发热的丰富经验,认为外感发热系外有风邪,内有食滞,内外相合发病。小儿为“稚阴稚阳”之体,易为邪侵,感邪后“发病容易,传变迅速”,外邪迅速入里化热,加之小儿脾胃发育不完善,受邪后枢转不利,食滞不行,郁而生热。故治疗上以疏风清热,和中化滞为法,据古代乳食停留中焦不化,必发热恶食之说,应截断病势,免其内外合邪为害。故外感发热之治,重在疏风清热,和中化滞。据此,我们对以银葛清解汤治疗小儿外感发热的临床疗效进行了观察与研究。研究中对90例外感发热(肺卫风热证)的患儿分组进行临床观察和研究,结果显示治疗组总有效率达90.00%,与对照中成药组(总有效率为63.33%),对照西药组(总有效率为73.33%)进行了比较,差异显著。结果表明治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组。结果表明银葛清解汤具有疏风清热,和中化滞的作用,对小儿外感发热(肺卫风热证)的治疗取得了满意的临床疗效。 【英文摘要】Exogenous fever is one of the most common pediatric diseases. The fever onset usually occurs rapidly and appears in upper respiratory symptoms accident at the first stage as main performances. If the patients can not get timely and effective treatment,.some of them will suffered with laryngitis, otitis media,. pneumonia,.myocarditis, acute glomerulonephritis etc, or high fever coma, convulsions, even mortality that is developed from exogenous feverAt present, there is still a lack of ideal drug for the treatment of this disease. Therefore, to develop the research of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment on children exogenous fever has positive meaning. Mentor Professor Zhang Biao has engaged in pediatric clinical career for about 30 years, and accumulated ample experience about chinese medicine treatment on exogenous fever in practice. He believes that the etiology of exogenous fever is the external pathogenic wind outside combining with food stagnation inside. In children,there is some physiological and pathological features,such as “juvenile Yin juvenile Yang” of the body, easy for evil invade, after the encroachment of evil factors “disease is easy to occur and symptom change rapidly “ and exopathogens quickly enter interior and generate heat combined with incomplete development of the spleen and stomac


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