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北京九恒世纪文化有限公司 编
书 名:
作 者:北京九恒世纪文化有限公司
书 号:
定 价:00:00元
Unit 1 Will people have robots? ……………………………… 1
Unit 2 What should I do? …………………………………… 6
Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? ……… 12
Unit 4 He said I was hard-working . ………………………… 18
Unit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time ! ………… 23
Review of units 1- 5 …………………………………………… 29
Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? ………… 34
Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? ………… 39
Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf ? ……………………… 45
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park ? ………… 52
Unit 10 Its a nice day,isnt it ? …………………………… 57
Review of units 6- 10 ………………………………………… 62
阅读理解答案及解析 …………………………………………… 68
魔法英语阅读理解同步活页卷( 八年级 ·下) …………
Will people have robots ?
Robo t s seem ver y new to most people .Bu t t hey have a long hist or y .T he fir st
one w as m ade b y a Greek in vent or .You m ay have seen robot s in so me film s . Th e
r ob ot s in the se films ar e st ronger , fa ster and clever er th an p eople .In real life , most
r ob ot s are u sed ( 被用于) in factorie s .T hey ar e u sed to do many dangerou s , dif ficult
or boring ( 枯燥的)j ob s .So me people cant look after t hemselve s and r ob ot s ar e u sed
to help th em .For example , som e people cant see .Many of t he se people u se a dog to
help t hemselve s move ar ou n d .T his dog is called guide dog Scien ti st s are m aking a
r ob ot to help t hem .In th e fut u re , ro
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