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Illegal cooking oil (garbage oil) The illegal cooking oil is an intensive conception. It is a common name for all kinds of inferior oil. There are three kinds of illegal cooking oil. The first one is the narrow definition of the illegal cooking oil. It is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined. (swill泔水) The second is made from inferior meat, abodominal organs ,etc. The last kind is over-used after firing food. Chinese version 地沟油实际上是一个泛指的概念,是人们在生活中对于各类劣质油的通称。   地沟油可分为三类:   一是狭义的地沟油,即将下水道中的油腻漂浮物或者将宾馆、酒楼的剩饭、剩菜(通称泔水)经过简单加工、提炼出的油;   二是劣质猪肉、猪内脏、猪皮加工以及提炼后产出的油;   三是用于油炸食品的油使用次数超过规定后,再被重复使用或往其中添加一些新油后重新使用的油。 猪下水,也是提炼食用油的好原料。 2.How to make the illegal cooking oil There is a short flash for you. It will show you how to make the illegal cooking oil. The following are just some details. 大妈在为你熬制涮火锅的油,你难道不感动的落泪?这大冷的天。 本着节约的传统美德,大叔将塑料袋中的油滴进锅里。 谁没见过这么生猛,佐料如此丰盛的食用油 跟养猪场混在一起,先喂猪,后喂人 最经济的方法是将饭店餐馆收集来的食材,直接点火熬练。真可谓五味杂陈维生素A B C D E F G齐全。 成品,有可能比这个还要做得清很多 The last step is to store them 分装,注意看,用的是大桶饮料瓶。下次希望没喝出馊味来。 过秤,这个桶好新 进入小区街道的地沟油零售3元/斤(实际上金龙鱼大豆油也才七元 ) 批发,生意并不冷清。 你敢说你涮的这火锅里的油,不是那位流着鼻涕的大妈给您熬的? With the inefficiency of current techniques for detecting and identifying the use of illegal cooking oil in China, there is an urgent need to improve kitchen waste recycling procedures to prevent the continued use of such oil in food production, a leading food expert has said. 知名食品专家表示,鉴于现在国内还没有检测地沟油的有效技术,所以我们急需规范厨房垃圾的循环使用,以杜绝用地沟油加工食物。 He Dongping, a professor of food science engineering at Wuhan Polytechnic University (WHPU), revealed last Thursday that one in every 10 meals in the country might have been cooked with dirty oil based on an ongoing study. 武汉工业学院食品科学与工程学院何东平教授正在进行一项研究,上周四他透露,在国内你每吃十顿饭就可能碰到一次“地沟油大餐”。 The revelation has raised widespread alarm. The State Food and Drug Administration on Thursday issued an emergency notice to restaurants nationwide, warning them against recycling oil. 这一爆料引起普遍的恐慌。上周四国家食品药品监督管理局对国内餐饮业下达紧急通知,警告他们不要使用地沟油。 Th


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