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第 11 卷第 4 期 冷 饮 与 速 冻 食 品 工 业 Vol. 11  No. 4 2005 年 12 月 Beverage Fast Frozen Food Industry Dec. ,2005 【生产管理】 我国速冻食品行业标准现状、问题及对策分析 1 1 2 樊昕烨 , 卢凤君 , 郑志安 ( 1. 中国农业大学经济管理学院 ,北京  100083 ; 2. 中国农业大学工学院 ,北京  100083) 摘  要 :简单介绍了速冻食品和我国速冻食品行业 ,重点分析了我国速冻食品行业标准的现状 ,并指出个别指标 过高、标准规定不明确、标准相互矛盾、部分指标无标可依和标准效率低等问题 ,认为这在一定程度上阻碍了产 业的健康发展 ,亟需尽快解决 ;提出了建立以行业协会/ 标准联盟为中心 ,政府支持、渠道配合、社会监督、多方参 与的标准制定和管理体系 , 以有效促进速冻食品行业标准的完善和提高。 关键词 :速冻食品行业 ; 标准 ; 现状 ; 对策 ( ) 中图分类号: T652. 2     文献标识码 :B     文章编号 : 1007 - 0818 2005 04 - 0030 - 03 The Contemporary Status , Problems and Countermeasures of Sector Standards in the Fast Freezing Food Industry in China 1 1 2 FAN Xinye , L U Fengjun , ZHEN G Zhian ( 1. College of Economics and Management , China Agricultural University , Beijin g 100083 , China ; 2. College of En gineering , China Agricultural University , Beijin g 100083 , China) Abstract :Fast frozen food and the contemporary situation of fast freezing food industry in china were briefly intro duced , and the current status of standards in this sector was analyzed. The analysis results showed that there still exist substantial difficulties in the development of a consent sector standard because there are multiple standards is this sec tor , and some standards are too serious , some standards are ambiguous , some are conflicting to each other , and no cri teria could be found for


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