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What is life? 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。 人生是烛,照亮别人,却燃尽自己。 Life is a road, strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. Life is a candle, illuminating others and burning itself out. 生不带来,死不带去。 At birth, we bring nothing; at death we take away nothing. Mouth Warm-up: Read the following, please. Life is a song. Sing it. 人生是乐曲,歌唱吧。 Life is a gift. Accept it. 人生是礼物,接受吧。 Life is a duty. Perform it. 人生是责任,履行吧。 Life is a struggle. Fight it. 人生是斗争,奋斗吧。 Life is a mystery. Unfold it. 人生是奥秘,揭开吧。 Life is a mountain. Climb it. 人生是山峰,攀登吧。 Life is an adventure. Dare it. 人生是奇遇,历险吧。 Life is a flower. Appreciate it. 人生是花朵,欣赏吧。 Life is a tragedy. Face it. 人生是悲剧,面对吧。 Life is a journey. Complete it. 人生是旅程,完成吧。 What is life ? Life is a boat. Sail it. 人生是帆船,扬帆吧。 Life is a game. Play it. 人生是游戏,玩耍吧。 Life is a drama. Enact it. 人生是戏剧,上演吧。 Life is a puzzle. Solve it. 人生是困惑,解开吧。 Life is a dream. Dream it. 人生是幻境,梦游吧。 Life is a garden. Cultivate it. 人生是花园,栽培吧。 Life is a challenge. Meet it. 人生是挑战,迎接吧。 Life is a sorrow. Overcome it. 人生是哀伤,克服吧。 Life is an opportunity. Take it. 人生是机遇,抓住吧。 Life is a goal. Achieve it. 人生是目标,实现吧。 What is life ? Conclusion: Life is life. Love it, live it and enjoy it. 人生就是人生, 热爱、度过并享受人生吧。 Test your memory Quotations On Life from Celebrities 名人论人生 Reading Aloud and Reciting 要支配人生,二十岁靠意志,三十岁靠机敏,四十岁靠判断。 — 富兰克林 At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. -- Benjamin Franklin 人生的大悲剧不在于人们死亡,而在于他们不再热爱生活。 — 毛姆 The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. -- William Maugham Quotations from Celebrities 人生的悲剧不在于人们所受的苦,而在于他们错失的良机。 — 卡莱尔 The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. -- Thomas Carlyle 人生是一连串教训,经历了才会理解。 — 爱默生 Life is a succession of lessons which mus


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