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第38 卷 第4 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.38 No.4 Feb. 20, 2018
2018 年2 月20 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2018 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 999
DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.170397 文章编号:0258-8013 (2018) 04-0999-07 中图分类号:TM 74
(智能电网教育部重点实验室(天津大学) ,天津市 南开区 300072)
A Method to Analyze the Transient Angle Stability of Multi-machine
System With DFIG-based Wind Farm
JIANG Huilan, WU Yuzhang, ZHOU Zhaoqing, LI Tianpeng
(Smart Grid Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Nankai District, Tianjin 300072, China)
ABSTRACT: In the wake of increasing capacity of wind 统的暂态稳定造成的影响不容忽视。该文提出一种双馈风力
power, the impact of wind farms on transient stability of power 发电机(double-fed induction generator,DFIG)组成的风电场
system becomes no longer negligible. In this paper, a method 接入的多机系统暂态功角稳定性分析方法。在理论分析风电
for analyzing transient angle stability of multi-machine system 场有功无功输出对系统暂态稳定性影响方式的基础上,将风
with DFIG-based wind farm was proposed. Based on the 电场对外功率特性表示为接地导纳,通过对系统节点导纳矩
theoretical analysis of the influence of wind farms active and 阵的收缩处理,将接地导纳所包含的有功无功信息糅入同步
reactive power output on transient stability of power system, 机群节点导纳矩阵中,风电场对系统功角的影响转化为对同
the power external characteristic of wind farm is equivalent to 步机之间电气联系的影响,表现为对同步机内电势节点的自
grounding admittance. By contracting the bus admittance 导纳和互导纳的影响。利用节点注入功率方程推导各同步机
matrix, the grounding admittance which contains active and 电磁功率的改变量,分析风电场对同步机之间互同步性和系
reactive power information was melted into the bus admittance 统暂态功角稳定性的影响,解决风电场对系统暂态稳定性影
matrix of synchronous machines, and the