Check It Out why 引导的定语从句.pptx

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Check It Out why 引导的定语从句.pptx

商务英语 3 English for Business and Commerce 3 ;;;;;Covering Letters ( 求职信) A covering letter can be as important as the CV. It often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If it is not well written and presented, the letter will make a poor impression. It normally contains four paragraphs in which you should: ? confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job; ? say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company; ? show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and experience; ? indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you are free to attend).;Column A 1. Why did you choose our company? 2. What are your strengths / weaknesses? 3. How would your friends describe you? 4. What is your greatest achievement? 5. How well do you work in a team? 6. When will you be in 5 years’ time?;【句子】... this relates your application to the advertisement ... 【译文】 ……这个把你的职位申请与广告联系起来…… 【难点】relate sth. to sth. 将……与……联系起来。例如:The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment. 这份报告力图将犯罪的上升与失业的增加联系在一起。It’s difficult to relate these results to any known cause. 很难把这些结果和已知的原因联系起来。 【句子】... specialize in finding the right person for the right job. 【译文】 ……专门为合适的工作寻找合适的人选。 【难点】specialize in 专门从事,专攻。例如:Our group leader specialized in data analysis. 我们领队对数据分析很在行。 The team should be made up solely of people who specialize in case development. 这个团队应仅由那些专门从事案例开发的人组成。 ;【句子】The advantages for the employers are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable candidates. 【译文】对雇主而言,好处就是他们不再需要组织费时费钱的活动来打广告、挑选合适的人并进行面试。 【难点】costly 昂贵的,代价高的。例如:a costly item 一件昂贵的物品;a costly purchase 一桩昂贵的采购。time-consuming 耗时的,旷日持久的。例如:Writing the annual report is a very time-consuming job. 写这份年度报告是项很耗时的工作。It’s just very time-consuming


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