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厦门太古可口可乐公司供应链管理下的库存优化 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 本科生毕业论文 题 目:厦门太古可口可乐公司供应链管理下的库存优化 姓 名: 系 别:物流管理系 专 业:物流管理专业 年 级:XXXX级 学 号:XXXXXXXX 指导教师:李四 职称:×× XXXX年XX月XX日 厦门太古可口可乐公司供应链管理下的库存优化 [摘要] 从 20世纪90年代开始,整个世界全球化的特征越来越明显。在全球化的压力下使企业不得不在新产品研发、库存管理、企业间的合作等方面加强改善力度,从而适应更加激烈的竞争。在这种竞争局面下,作为生产和经营饮料产品的厦门太古可口可乐饮料公司在物流成本不断攀升,竞争者众多的条件下,如何在不大幅涨价的前提下减少企业运营成本成为了企业不得不必须面对的问题,而占物流成本最多的库存成本,自然成为企业关注的重点。本文希望通过对厦门太古可口可乐公司储运部的实地调研,找到库存管理中存在的问题,运用相关供应链及库存管理策略和方法,从内部供应链和外部供应链两个方面进行库存的优化。帮助该公司优化仓储状况。同时也为其他类似企业提供借鉴意义。 [关键词] 仓储管理 VMI(供应商管理库存) 库存控制 可口可乐 Inventory optimization based on supply chain management of Xiamen Swire Coca-Cola company [Abstract] From the 1990s, it is obvious that the characteristic of globalization is all over the world. Under the pressure of globalization, companies have to pay more attention on new products development, inventory management and cooperation among companies to survive in the fierce competition. In this situation, as a soda drinks manufacturer and operator, facing with the raising logistics cost and plenty competitors, Xiamen Coca-Cola company has to cut down the operation cost without increasing the price immediately. What‘s more, the inventory cost occupies much in logistics cost, which is focused by the company. In this report, through the investigation and study on the spot of warehousing and transportation department, the problem existing in the inventory management would be found and applied relevant supply chain, inventory management strategies as well as methods into both inner and external supply chain to optimize the inventory. It is optimistic to give a favor to optimize warehousing to this company and offer more valuable reference to other similar companies in the long run. [Key word] Warehouse Management , VMI , Inventory control , Coca-Cola 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc322005633 引 言 PAGEREF _Toc322005633 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc322005634 一、库存优化的理论与方法概述 P


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