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摘要 摘要 I I 摘 要 自悯,在高自尊的异质性的基础上提出,一种新的健康的自我观,是心理健康的标 志之一。根据埃里克森的心理发展理论,大学生处于自我统合时期,在这一时期,大学 生怎样看待自己,是其在应对挫折时的基础,同时也是其心理健康的标志。本研究在文 献分析及调查研究的基础上修订了适合中国大学生的自悯量表,进行了大学新生自悯、 自尊与应对方式的关系分析,探索了自悯、自尊对应对方式的预测作用,最后,在挫折 情景下进一步探索了三者之间的关系。 得出的主要结果如下: (1)修订的“中文版自悯量表”符合心理测量学要求,区分度良好,各项信效度 指标均达到心理测量学要求,可以作为大学生自悯的测查的工具。 (2)大学新生自悯在家庭来源、是否独生子女上无显著差异,在性别上有显著差 异,其中女生自悯高于男生。 (3)大学新生自悯、自尊和应对方式成显著相关 (4)自悯与应对方式相关稳定。 (5)自尊与不同应对方式的相关稳定性存在差异 (6)自悯和自尊对不同情境下不同应对方式产生不同的影响 (7)相对于自尊,自悯对应对方式有更稳定和更大的预测作用 关键词:大学新生;自悯;自尊;应对方式;学业受挫 闽南师范大 闽南师范大学教育学硕士学位论文 II II Abs Abstract PAGE PAGE VI Abstract Self- compassion,on the basis of the high heterogeneity of self-esteem,a new kind of healthy self-concept,is one of the signs of mental health.According to Ericksons theory of psychological development,Students are in a period of self-integration,During this period,they how to treat themselves is the basis of coping ,and it’s the symbol of healthy .This study revise the self- compassion scale that suitable for Chinese college students based on literature analysis and Investigation. We survey and analyse the relationship among self- compassion, self-esteem and coping style, and explore how Self- compassion,self-esteem prediction function works to coping style. The last, further explore the relationship among the three factors in the circumstances of frustration. The following are some primary results: The revised questionnaire of Self- compassion of this study was entirely accord with the request of psychometric; the questionnaire had good reliability and validity, which could be used as a measure tool in measuring college students self- compassion. There is not marked difference between college freshmen who come from the environment of home about Self- compassion, whether or not he is the only child. However, it significant difference on the sex, and girls are more self - compassionate than boys. Freshmen’s self- compassion ,self-esteem and coping style has certain related, (4)Self- compassion and coping style ha



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