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Major: Signal and Information Processing
Name: Wei Mao
Supervisor: Associate prof. Xueyi Wu
Signatu阳 du f八ω
Signature: ,)ωf u/tV
With the global energy crisis increasing and the customers requirements to the quality and reliability of power supply continuously improving; the traditional mode of power supply cannot meet the requirements. People pay attention to distributed photovoltaic generation due to its economical and flexible operation. The mode that distributed generation combining with the
grid has brought tremendous changes to the traditional power suppIy mode. Distributed
generation improve the reliability of grid power supply with the load shifting effect,as the power supplement to the grid. The reversing power flow l110de of grid-connected distributed generation has caused many issues to the grid,such as the system power flow unpredictable ,the
fluctuation of the node voltage of distribution network ,l11al-operation of the system relaying
and the islanding effect.
This paper focuses on the control strategy of the small capacity of distributed photovoltaic generation system,using the irreversible power flow l110de of grid-connected systel11. Electric
energy generated by the photovoltaic systel11 is not transmission to the grid,but l11eet the demands of the localload. PV system changes itself output power according to the del11ands of load. PV system generates the same power as the demands of load,when the power required by
the load is less than PV cuηent l11aximul11 output power; otherwise ,the PV system output the
MPP(maxi l11um power point) power,the shortage part of power provided by the grid. The reactive power del11ands ofthe load cOl11pensated by the PV system. This will not only solve the
problem that the influence on the node voltage of distribution network caused by the distributed PV generation ,but also decreased
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