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摘 要 大功率射频电源是射频CO2板条激光器的重要组成部分。本论文主要研究射频CO2 板条激光器的电源系统,对它激式射频电源的原理和电路参数进行分析与设计,借助 EDA仿真软件对模块进行了仿真设计。对电源进行了负载特性测试。内容包括以下几 方面: (1) 分析自激式与它激式电子管电源及固态电源的特点,选择它激式电子管电源作 为 500W 射频板条激光器的激励电源。在它激式射频电源总体结构的框架下,进行了 射频电源的总体电路设计。包括电路的具体组成部分及技术参数。 (2) 本论文设计 300W 功放模块 ,由晶振产生一个微弱的微瓦级射频信号,经过 一级 BJT 高频 150mW 晶体管放大电路,再接 10W MOS 管放大电路,后接 300W 推挽 MOS 管放大电路进行三级放大。利用 multisim 仿真软件对各级放大电路进行仿真,确定 工作参数。 (3) 设计 8KW 电子管放大电路。根据 FU-113F 四级电子管的工作曲线,从中取出 一些典型点,通过 MATLAB 的数值计算功能,建立 FU-113F 四级电子管的 PSPICE 模 型。然后根据具体的要求进行综合设计,最后进行仿真分析。 (4) 论述功率控制与检测原理,最后进行整机实验。包括假负载实验,激光器负载 实验,研究其功率输出特性。 本论文对它激式射频电子管电源进行了详细的理论分析与实验研究,希望对射频 板条 CO2 激光器的发展做出贡献。 关键词:射频电源 射频板条 CO2 激光器 它激式 电子管 PSPICE 模型 假负载 功率输出特性 Abstract RF power supply plays an important role for the high power RF-excited CO2 laser system. This thesis aims to research a RF power supply system of the high-power CO2 lasers, the principles and working parameters of the circuit components of separate-excited RF power supply circuit has been analyzed. The simulation design of RF power supply circuit has been carried out by RF simulation software EDA. Through the load system experiment, the thesis researches characteristics of RF power supply. The main results are as follows. Characteristic of self-excited tube RF power supply, separate-excited tube RF power supply and solid-state power supply have been analyzed in the thesis, and the scheme of separate-excited RF power supply as the power source of 500W RF-excited CO2 laser has been chosen. The circuit of a RF power supply system is designed, including the scheme of RF power and technical parameters. The 300W amplifier module which includes the crystal oscillator, 150mW BJT amplifier module, 10W MOS amplifier module and 300W Push-pull MOS amplifier module have been designed in the thesis. The simulation analysis of the each amplifier module has been carried out by the simulation software multisim. Further, working parameters is chosen. The 8KW tube amplifier module has been designed in the thesis. Based on



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