
大功率 LED 路灯开关电源的分析-微电子学与固体电子学专业论文.docx

大功率 LED 路灯开关电源的分析-微电子学与固体电子学专业论文.docx

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大功率 LED 路灯开关电源的分析-微电子学与固体电子学专业论文

摘要 近年来,LED 因其环保、长寿、高光电效率等众多优点成为照明领域关注的 焦点。本文围绕 LED 开关电源进行了深入阐述,主要工作内容如下: 论文首先全面介绍了LED的发展现状及应用前景,深刻分析了国内外LED开关 电源的研究现状,确定了论文的主体方向。其次系统地介绍了LED驱动电源的拓 扑结构、调制方式、控制类型等基础知识。应用AP法设计了变压器,并结合实例 设计了EMI滤波器、DC-DC转换电路以及功率因数校正电路。 根据市场需求,研究制作了应用于路灯的大功率 LED 开关电源,该电源为 10 路恒流输出,总功率为 150 瓦。为了抑制电源的电磁干扰,在交流输入端添加了 EMI 滤波器,并采用先稳压后恒流的两级稳压方式以适应 LED 的特性。为了提高 系统的功率因数和总效率,设计了临界导通模式的单级 PFC 电路和零电流准谐振 半桥变换电路。将 ATtiny261 微处理器加入到电源的反馈环路中,通过控制 PWM 芯片间接控制电源工作以实现系统的智能化。同时,电源具有短路、防雷、过流、 过压等保护功能,适用于道路景区照明。 关键词:LED 恒流 功率因数校正 开关电源 单片机控制 ABSTRACT In recent years, LED (light-emitting diode) has become the focus of the lighting field due to its distinct advantages such as environmental, high efficiency, long lifetime. This paper focuses on the LED switching power supply, the major work of this paper as follows: Firstly, the paper described the development of LED status and application prospects and profoundly analyzed the current research situation of LED drive power at home and abroad to determine the main direction of the paper. Secondly, the basics of LED switching power supply topologies, modulation, and control type were introduced. This paper designed a transformer which takes advantage of AP method, EMI filter, DC-DC converter circuit and PFC circuit combining with examples. According to the market demand, the paper designs the 150W driver for LEDs supplying for 10-channel constant current outputs. In order to reduce the electromagnetic interference, the power designed an EMI filter and chose a special mode which output constant current after stable voltage to adapt to the characteristics of LED. CRM mode PFC and ZCS quad-resonant converter is used to improve the power factor and total efficiency of the system. In order to achieve the intelligent control of the system, the driver used ATtiny261 microprocessor. The driver has short-circuit, thunder-proof, over-current, over-voltage etc. auto-protective functions, applies to road, scenic spot lighting. Keyword: LED constant-current Power factor correcti


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