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PAGE PAGE 5 债权,对债权人造成损害;债权人债权和债务人的债权都已期等三个争 议较大的要件进行了探讨。 第三部分探讨代位权客体。论述了法国、日本、我国台湾地区的代 位权客体范围。重点分析了我国的代位权客体的范围、特点,认为我国 代位权的客体在形式上似乎具体明确了,而实质上却不然,可代位行使的 权利十分广泛,扩大代位权客体范围,可十分有效地保障债权,但是过 分扩大代位权的适用范围,会冲击合同法的相对性原则,威胁基于合同 相对性原则所产生的各种合同法制度。同样限制代位权的适用范围,也会 造成与民法其他制度的冲击。所以不应不适当地扩大其范围。因此我国 代位权制度是对债权的保障制度,其客体应当局限于债务人对次债务人 的权利,但并非所有债务人的权利均可以代位行使。最后笔者结合传统 民法制度,对所有权、用益物权、担保物权、民事诉讼权利,代位权及 撤消权等债权外的其它权利类型能否作为代位权客体进行了探讨 本文围绕保全债权这一核心内容,结合我国的司法实践,运用历史 考察、价值分析、法律分析、比较研究、理论联系实际等方法,对代位 权的概念、产生的社会根源、性质、社会价值、构成要件、行使客体等 有关问题进行深入探讨,并且提出进一步完善我国债权人代位权制度的 立法建议。 关键词: 代位权 构成要件 代位权客体 债权人 债务人 次债务人 Abstrct The generation of position power system is the brand-new legal regime of the law of contract stipulation, its establishment put our country civil law creditors rights safeguard system theoretically further to consummate .It play the positive role in the optimized transaction environment aspect and solving the triangle debt in practice. But our country law of contract only used a 73rd stature document too broad stipulation, and had certain conflicts with the traditional generation of position power theory, caused this system the different department, the different court different to operate to this article understanding not unified, in the practical application. How understood and the execute the generation of position power system, is worth the legal colleague carrying on the thorough necessity the discussion. Because the generation of position power lawsuit is the new form lawsuit, the legal article stipulation is extremely limited, therefore in the trial practice exercises the important document understanding to the concrete case also to different from others, that cause the trial result not to be unified, and affect the judicial solemnity and the authority. This article includes three parts, about 20000 characters. The first part analyzes the concept, the social root, the nature and the social value which the creditor generation of position power system depend. The gen


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