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PAGE iii
Aesthetic values of English could be found by contrasting with Chinese. By knowing these values, translators could be guided to a better translation with sense of beauty.
English could be treated as a translation aesthetic object (TAO), which has three characteristics: 1) the infinity in TAO, aesthetic activities will never stop for the beauties will always be found; 2) the relativity in TAO, it can only be meaningful when appreciated by the potential translation aesthetic subject (TAS), it is the translators who can find the infinite beauties in TAO; 3) the uncertainty in TAO, different translators may find different aesthetic values from the same TAO for they may hold different aesthetic criteria.
The research approach is contrasting with Chinese. Finding out the differences between Chinese and English, the characteristics in English become obvious. Then with the help of studies on some main branches of linguistics, aesthetic values (AV) in English will be analyzed from four aspects: aesthetic values inspired in pronunciation, aesthetic values observed in vocabulary, aesthetic values manifested in sentence structure, and aesthetic values seen from logic of English.
By analyzing the examples and contrasting with the same aspects in Chinese, the AV in English in some aspects stand as the conclusion, they are: 1) alliteration can bring the sense of reappearing; 2) assonance can bring the sense of connecting; 3) rhyme can bring the sense of harmony; 4) onomatopoeia can bring the sense of musicality; 5) connotation will develop more meanings from words; 6) big words can upgrade the translation if using properly; 7) parallelism will strength the translation grammatically and syntactically; 8) impersonal subject sentence is a native expressing that may upgrade the translation; 9) hypotaxis can make the translation strict, logical and the relationships of the sense-groups become more closed. With these AV, the author then offers h
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