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Graphene, a one-atom thick planar sheet of hexagonally arrayed sp2 carbon atoms, has attracted tremendous attention in recent years. It was discovered by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov in 2004. Graphene has demonstrated the existence of two dimensional nanomaterials. Given its two-dimensional structure and unique properties, graphene is a promising candidate in many technological fields, such as nanoelectronics, sensors, supercapacitors, hydrogen storage, etc. Especially, graphene has been emerging as a promising supporting in heterogeneous catalytic processes.
In recent years, many monometallic and bimetallic catalytic nanoparticles have been utilized in heterogeneous catalytic processes, and the introduction of graphene into metal clusters can prevent nanoparticles from aggregating due to its large surface areas, impressive mechanical strength and chemical inertness. However the efficient recovery of nanocatalyts, especially the graphene supported noble metal catalysts remains a challenge. In this study, we report a simple one step route to prepare the graphene supported Pt/Ni nanocatalyst with ideal superparamagnetic properties.
The main results obtained are as follows:
Pt/Ni bimetallic nanoparticles were successfully dispersed on graphene by a simple one step reducing method, N2H4·H2O as reducer and Tannin as surfactant. The whole preparation cost about one hour and the reducing procedure only need 15 mins. The as prepared composites were characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Raman, etc.
The graphene supported Pt/Ni hybrids (Pt/Ni–G) were demonstrated to show excellent catalytic activities in the catalytic reduction of aromatic nitro
compounds (p-nitrophenol). The optimal Pt/Ni–G nanocatalysts were acquired by the
comparison of catalytic activities using different concentration of Pt/Ni–G. The highest reaction
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