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上海虹桥综合交通枢纽规划设计 The Planning Design Concept of Shanghai Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub 交通枢纽之城市综合体 A transportation Hub —— a miniature urban complex 现代集团 华东建筑设计研究院 Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design Group East China Architectural Design Research Institute 2010.09 虹桥综合交通枢纽 Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub 一、从分散到集中“轨、路、空”三位一体 1. To integrate rail system, road network and airport into a trinity 二、一个缩小的城市功能体 2. A miniature urban functional complex 三、新的城市重心 3. A new city center 一、从分散到集中 “轨、路、空”三位一体 The rail system, road network and airport are integrated into a trinity 1、枢纽的由来—— “三大契机” 1.Original story of the Hub: ―Three great opportunities‖ 2、枢纽规划的定位与特征 2.Orientation and characteristics of the Hub’s planning 3、枢纽的规划范围与用地布局 3.Planning scope and land use arrangement of the Hub 4、枢纽综合体的构成 4.Composition of the Hub complex 5、枢纽的交通配套 5.Traffic auxiliary facilities for the Hub 1、“三大契机”: “Three great opportunities” 1)2005年虹桥国际机场总体修编。 Amendment to Hongqiao International Airport Master Plan ( 2005 ) 修编后的变化:Changes after amendment :  压缩跑道间距,腾出西侧用地。 To compress the interval distance between runways  为枢纽的开发提供了空间上的可能。 to give more land use in the west side  航站楼与未来枢纽相连,多式联运成为可能。 To connect the terminal with the Hub to make it 虹桥机场总平面规划图 possible for the multi-mode transportation General Layout Planning 2)高铁上海站的重选址(七宝—虹桥)。 of Hongqiao Airport Relocation of Shanghai High-speed Railway Station ( Qibao – Hongqiao )  原址受七宝镇周边用地结构、产业状况及交通 条件的限制 较大。 The original locati


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