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PAGE PAGE 3 论文摘要 德钦县佛山乡江坡村藏族民间传统歌舞——“仪”(弦子舞),参与面广、 娱乐性强。舞场中,弦子奏响,歌声唱和,手舞足蹈,热情溢洋。歌词内容通俗 易懂、寓意深刻;音乐短小精悍、富于律动;伴奏乐器“兵庸”音色独特、风格 浓郁;舞蹈情绪欢乐、飘逸潇洒。真可谓歌舞乐三者,水乳交融,配合默契。充 分表现音乐是舞蹈的灵魂,乐器是音乐的伴侣。弦子舞能即兴填词,唱出了人们 的心声和对生活的向往,故具有较好的群众基础。弦子舞在较长的历史时期和自 然环境中产生和发展,在藏民生活中起到不可或缺的作用,经过多年的传承、发 展,已具有促进人与人之间交流、沟通,亦有教育、爱情、调解纠纷、增进情感 等社会功能。 本文主要研究弦子舞的内涵、唱词及音乐特征,探讨歌、舞、乐三者结合的 关系,通过对弦子舞填词规律和曲调命名,呐喊词和歌头固定词使用以及对舞蹈 的作用等方面进行了阐释,从内容和形式上探索弦子舞易于流传的原因。 笔者在德钦县佛山乡江坡村进行了实地考察,采用访谈、录音、记谱及分析 等方法,真实地记录了弦子歌词、曲谱,有助于挖掘其艺术内涵,整理当地的民 间歌舞音乐文化,有利于弦子舞的传承、保护、利用和传播。 关键词:江坡村; 藏族; 弦子舞; 音乐研究 Abstract “Yi”, XIANZI dance of traditional folk music and dance of Jiangpo village of Foshan countryside of Deqing County, have a wide rang of partake and very strong amusement property. In the dance place, once XIANZI played, the sounding of singings, danced with joy and passion, ebullient. The content of words of song is popular and easy to understand, implied deep, music is short and sweet, rich in rhythm; Accompany instrument “BING YONG”, with a tone of unique and rich of style; Dancing has a mood of happy, grace and natural. It really is, the sound of singing, dance and instrument, to be mixed well like milk and water, have a good teamwork. Full of expression, music is soul of dance, instrument is partner of music. XIANZI dance can improvise lyrics, at any time to convey people feeling in life, so it has a good mass basis. XIANZI dance is produced and developed in a long period of history and in the natural environment, which plays a vital role in Tibetans’ life. After years of heritage, development, already have promotes communication, education, love, dispute resolution, enhance emotional social function. This article focuses on analyzing content of song, lyrics and melody features of XIANZI dance to explore the relationship between dance and music, and Illustrating the tune and lyric regulation, melody name, the usage of regular fixed words of first two lines of song and the role of dance, to explain the reasons of XIANZI dance bei



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