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The Case Study of Delicacy Management and Performance Evaluation for Clothing Brand Store
Terminal is the last link to realize the value of the goods. Terminal is the key point during the whole garment industry chain from idea design to sales. The value greatly depends on the retail terminal. Garment industry is changing every day. E-business, brand competition and rising operating costs bring the declining performance, even the store closed. As a result, traditional enterprises have to think about how to optimize the retail management, enhance the brand image and improve the services, which making the store turn into the best channel of profits, consumer contacting, and brand show.
Take the fashion retail store as research object and discuss the method to enhance the delicacy management for retail operation. Basing on the delicacy management theory and literature research, comprehensive performance evaluation system with the core of key index has been established. The system includes store point test and performance evaluation system. The result helps the store realize the accuracy and standardization, that coming to the accurate operation and the benefit rised ultimately.
The main research contents and results include:
⑴ Discuss the importance of terminal retail in the garment industry through the literature review and market research. Recall the differences and similarities between different retail forms, such as direct, join, trusteeship and so on. Introduce the future
trend of the fashion industry, online to offline, customized services, and big data. Analysis the situation of retail terminal market based on the case study;
⑵ Participate internship in the store, and take in-depth interview with experts
about human resource management, product management, service management, and sale management. Excavate the resource of high quality and operating skills in the case stores. Try to provide reference for simila
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