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哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 - - 摘 要 本文研究公司透明度对个股流动性风险的影响。公司的透明度和股票流动性 都是目前研究的热点课题,但目前国内还没有公司透明度与个股流动性风险之间 关系的研究。流动性是证券市场的重要属性,是市场的一切。市场流动性依赖于 个股流动性,个股流动性影响着公司的价值和预期收益。有的股票的流动性水平 高,其流动性风险也高,投资者们在关注股票流动性水平的同时,更关注流动性 的时变性,即流动性风险。尤其是经济危机时或市场发生突发情况时,个股流动 性风险的高低表现为公司个股流动性的韧性,即某股票交易的难易程度随时都较 稳定,不容易受外界因素影响。 本文以深交所主板 A 股 407 家公司为研究对象,综合考虑了公司透明度和 个股流动性风险的测度,研究了 2004 年到 2010 年公司透明度对个股流动性风险 有怎样的影响。本文所选的时间跨度较长,中间包含了 08 年左右股市波动较大 的时期,通过系统研究,分析了公司透明度对个股流动性风险产生怎样的影响。 最后得出公司透明度与个股流动性风险显著负相关,公司透明度可以有效抑制个 股流动性的下降以及经济状况不好时,公司透明度有助于帮助企业保持流动性的 结论。 最后本文给出了一些建议,从政府角度,为了保证股市的健康发展和流动性, 应加快健全关于公司提供公司信息的政策;从公司的角度,应该多发布一些方便 投资者了解公司的信息,增加公司的透明度,以保证公司在股市上能保持流动性, 并且提高抵御股市风险的能力。 关键词:公司透明度;个股流动性;个股流动性风险;股市下滑 Abstract In this paper, we studied the relationship between corporate transparency and stock liquidity risk. Although there are many papers about corporate transparency and about stock liquidity, research on the relationship between corporate transparency and stock liquidity risk lacks in China. Liquidity is the most important basic factor of financial market. Liquidity of financial market depends on the liquidity of each stock, in addition the stock liquidity influences the value of firm and also investors’ expectation. Some stocks have a higher level of liquidity, but they also possess higher risk. Investors care more about timing of stocks’ variability than the level of liquidity. During market downturns, speculators’ capital tends to drop, and funding tends to dry up. At this time, the risk of stock liquidity implies the sensibility of stock liquidity. The stocks with low liquidity risk are not easy to be affected by the fluctuation of market, and can trade easily during market downturns. In this paper, based on data from RESSET over the 2004-2010 time periods, we documented that firms with greater transparency experience less liquidity volatility, fewer extreme illiquidity events for a sample of 407 A-share publicly listed companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The time span of ou



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