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With the improvement of peoples living standards, car ownership increased year by year; thereby the dispose of scrap tires created by increased car ownership has become a thorny issue. In addition, the rapid development of Chinas high-grade high road has made asphalt unable to meet the rising demands. If we can focus on wasted tires and apply the technique to highway construction, it will not only fully utilize the waste, but also improve road performance of asphalt, which is a very meaningful research topic.
As for the current modified asphalt, SBS modified asphalt has the best overall performance among all. But compared to the scrap tire rubber powder, SBS costs more, which limits the scope of its application. Scrap tire processing into certain fineness of powder costs less, but it has only relatively limited role on the modification of asphalt, which is unable to serve the high demands of road construction. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the two modifiers, this paper aims to study how to prepare the scrap tire rubber powder / SBS modified bitumen compound.
The thesis studies the impact of the macro- preparation process, mesh powder, powder dosage and dosage of SBS asphalt penetration, softening point, low temperature ductility and elasticity recovery. Using microscopic scanning electron microscopy and thermal analysis methods, it also analyzes possible modification mechanism and the role of solvents and stabilizers added to the composite modified asphalt. Through constant adjustment formula experiments on the preparation of crumb rubber / SBS modified asphalt performance composite to achieve the targets set at the same time the project can take care of the economy.
Key words: Crumb Rubber Powder,SBS,Compound Modified,Formula
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 Abstract II
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 目录III
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 第一章 绪论1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.1 课题研究背景1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 1.2
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