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贵州大学硕士研究生学位论文 贵州大学硕士研究生学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 佛教题材电影是取材于佛教历史、佛教典故、佛教人物或展现佛教艺术和佛 教发展现状的影片,该题材影片是将中国传统文化重要组成部分——佛教文化以 电影语言呈现在观众面前。 佛教题材电影的历史最早可追溯至 1920 年梅兰芳先生主演的戏曲片《天女散 花》,此后在 20 年代的电影商业竞争中曾有过改编佛教文学的热潮。抗日战争 和解放战争时期,佛教题材电影受战时社会动荡的影响数量骤减,直到新中国成 立,佛教题材电影在香港和台湾得以恢复,而大陆地区的佛教题材影片创作迟至 改革开放后才得以延续。历史的看,中国佛教题材电影虽然断断续的发展,但却 在不同时期呈现出不同的风格和样式,且逐渐形成了独具佛教美学和中国传统文 化内涵的影片。 本文将尝试在梳理中国佛教题材电影历史发展脉络的基础上,重点探究新世 纪以来佛教题材电影的叙事策略和人文内涵,总结并反思佛教题材电影的成就与 不足。 关键词:佛教、中国电影、电影史、文学改编、类型片 I The Contemporary Study of Chinese Buddhist Film Abstract Buddhism movie is based on history of Buddhism, buddhist allusions, character or from its current situation of the development of buddhist art and buddhist, the drama is the important part of Chinese traditional culture, Buddhism culture to film language to present in front of an audience. Buddhism movie history dates back to 1920, Mr Mei lanfang XiQuPian starring split, commercial competition in the 20 s movie had adapted buddhist literature. During the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war, buddhist film is influenced by social unrest in wartime, the number of until the founding of new China, buddhist film was restored in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and mainland Buddhism drama creation until after the reform and opening up to continue. History, the development of Chinese Buddhism although films have continued, but presents different styles in different periods and styles, and gradually formed a unique buddhist aesthetics and connotation of Chinese traditional culture, the film. This paper will attempt to comb the development of Chinese movie history of Buddhism context, on the basis of focus movie narrative strategy and explore new century Buddhism humanities connotation, summarize and reflect on the buddhist film achievements and deficiencies. Key words: Buddhism ; The Chinese film; The movie history; Based on literature; Type of movie II 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 绪 论1 一、选题背景与意义1 二、概念界定与研究现状4 三、文章结构与内容11 第一章 佛教题材电影的历史与现状14 第一节 萌芽(1920—1942)16 一、商务印书馆与中国佛教题材电影的缘起16 二、佛教文学



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