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当今社会职业已经越来越鹉于综合化方向发展,这对应用性专门人才培养的 要求越来越高,而且不同的行业对职业能力有不同的要求,这就需要对学生进行 职业能力测量。以职业教育培养目标中的能力标准为参照,通过能力测量,了解 学生的能力水平,判断学生所获得的职业能力是否能够达到企业所需人才的能力 标准。
本文通过分析德国双元制职业教育考试模式中的考试结构、考试内容、考试 任务开发、考试方法以及企业中的培训方法和能力测量方法等职业能力培养和测 量方面的相关经验,针对我回职业教育的现状,提出了加强学生的职业能力训练, 对学生进行职业能力测囊,了解学生的能力发展水平,并及时的向教师和学生本
,‘ 人提供反馈信息,促使学生能够改进自己的学习活动,教师完善自日的教学活动, 以期使学生的职业能力达到企业所要求的人才标准。同时,本文提白要从考试制 度、考试内容、考试形式、考试方法等方丽改革我国的职业教育考试体系 k 加强 对学生职业能力的考核 1 要完善人才培养体系 9 充分调动企业在人才培拌方面的
r .
保障学生职业能力培养质最:要改进教学方法,改善评价模式,注重学生的职业 能力培养和测量等对策建议。
关键词z 德国:双元制:职业教商:职业能力;能力测量
Nowadays ,increasingly integrated c町eer development leadsωhigher demand of
trained professionals ,and different indu8tries have di町erent rl叫uirements for occupational competence,which rl叫uires measurement of occupational competence of stud臼1t8. The performance of students can be measured according ωthe compe阳ncy standards of vocational education,thus the. education objectives can be examined.
h由is paper,the vocational education examination model in German dual system is analyzed, which includes the struc阳re,ω刷刷,阳sks and methods of the examination ode1.In addition, training. methods and comp创ence me削urement methods are also
. discussed. Suggestions are proposed for the Chinese vOcational education based on . 也e experience of the G配man dual system. For students,由eir vocational compe阳忧。- should be appropriately measured and strengthened ,and the fe叫back can be 凶。dω improve 伽甜 learning performance. For mentor怒,由町 should amend 由.e teaching contents and strategies so 由at 也e teachi吨 performance can be improved. For the Chinese vocational education, the exatriination system should be 硝ustedωthe requirement of the measurement of vocational comp创ence. The involvement of the ent町pris创 is the key of 伽 dual system of the German vocational education. The
ent町prises can provide the training facilities for the students as well 部由e mentors. The Chinese vocational education should e