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河北工业大学硕士学位论文 复合式接触器智能控制与数据通信技术 摘 要 交流接触器是一种量大面广的开关电器,其性能的好坏不仅有直接的经济利益,而且 关系到电力系统的电能质量和电能资源。随着新材料新工艺的采用,交流接触器的机械寿 命已达千万次,而其电寿命一般只有机械寿命的 10%左右。提高主触头的电寿命已成为提 高交流接触器整体寿命的关键。特别是交流接触器在 AC-4 使用类别下,触头侵蚀主要发 生在合闸过程,这对交流接触器提出了更加严格的技术要求。这就要求对交流接触器运行 全过程实现最优化控制,减少触头碰撞,同时实现无弧分合闸,减少电弧侵蚀;同时由于 电力资源紧缺,对传统接触器提出了节能运行的要求。 本文对交流接触器的智能化控制与设计技术进行全面、深入地分析与探讨。主要研究 内容包含以下几个方面: 首先,从接触器吸合过程角度,分析了影响接触器运行的三个因素,即不同合闸相角、 激磁电压、强激磁控制方案,同时对于零电流分断技术进行了分析研究,其次,以 CJ20-25 型交流接触器为研究对象,基于 ADAMS 仿真软件,对该型号交流接触器的操作机构进行 了动力学仿真,通过对不同合闸相角的仿真数据比较,进一步研究合闸相角对接触器运行 状态的影响,并对交流接触器的选相合闸进行软件和硬件方面的设计;第三,对智能混合 式接触器进行了总体设计;最后,将现场总线运用于交流接触器中,研究交流接触器的数 据通信技术。 关键词:智能交流接触器,单片机,混合,数据通信 i 复合式接触器智能控制与数据通信技术 INTELLIGENCE CONTROL AND DATE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPOUND AC CONTACTOR ABSTRACT AC contactor is a wildly used switch apparatus. Its performance has direct correlation not only with the economic interest, but also with energy consumption of state electric power system. Along with the development of technology, the mechanical life of AC contactor has reached to 15 million times. But the electric life of AC contactor is only about 10% of its mechanical one. This is to say the electric life of main contact has become the key factor to restrict the AC contactor progress. In some particular working conditions, such as AC-4, contact erosion occurs commonly in the making process. This situation brings higher requests in technology level. In order to reduce the contact electrical erosion, it requires us to analysis the whole process, achieve the optimal control of AC contactor, reduce the contact collision, and realize arcless divide-shut brake in the meantime. Along with the diminution of physical resources, the society brings higher requests to AC contactor in energy-saving. This article analyzes and investigates the intelligent control and design technology of AC contactor penetratingly. This article mainly divided the following apartments to analyze: Firstly, propose the non synchronous structure of AC contactor and inset



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