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地铁车站室内装饰的主题定位与表达 中文摘要 地铁车站室内装饰的主题定位与表达 中文摘要 城市地铁的快速发展,加快了城市地下空间的开发力度,一种全新的地铁网络也 逐渐形成。地铁网络的形成可以说充分展现了城市地铁公共交通系统在运量、便捷、 快速、区域辐射范围等方面的巨大优势,但弊端也逐渐显现。在地铁站室内装饰设计 中,由于地铁线路以及站点的逐渐增多,给人们的出行带来了诸多的不便。如:对整 条线路的认知缺乏连贯性、站点装饰趋同性、空间环境可识别性差、装饰空间缺乏人 性关怀、设计的地域文化缺失等等。 本课题旨在发掘、提炼线路经过区域或站点周边环境的设计要素,赋予整条线路 鲜明的设计主题。并根据此设计主题所阐述的内涵,通过设计手法及设计要素表达线 路及空间的主题,从而保证地铁车站室内装饰的特殊性以及统一性。 通过对地铁室内装饰进行主题定位,在地铁线网越来越密集的今天,不仅可以让 乘客在地铁空间中对自身以及周边环境有一个清楚地认识,且间接地将地域特征以及 文化特色的研究延伸至地下。从地下空间开发及建设的角度来看,不仅可以给地下空 间带去更多的人性关怀,也为城市地下空间的设计以及开发拓宽了思路,同时对目前 国内地铁车站室内装饰的建设在实际操作中提供了必要的理论参照。 关键词: 地铁装饰 主题定位 主题表达 设计手法 设计要素 作 者:孙 松 指导老师:郭晓阳 I English summary The theme positioning and expression of subway station interior design The theme positioning and expression of subway station interior design English summary The rapid development of the city subway to accelerate the development efforts of urban underground space , a new metro network is gradually formed . Rail transit network formation can be said to fully show the public transport system in the city subway traffic , convenient, fast , and other aspects of regional radiation huge range of advantages, but also disadvantages gradually. In the interior design of the subway station , subway lines , and due to the gradual increase in the site , to bring a lot of peoples travel inconvenience . Such as: awareness of the entire line of lack of coherence , the site decorative convergence , identifies poor, lack of human caring decorated space , lack of geographical and cultural design and so on. This paper aims to explore, extract the line through the site area or design elements surrounding environment , giving the whole line a distinctive design theme. And according to this design theme expounded connotations , expression lines and themes of space through design techniques and design elements , so as to ensure the subway station interior particularity and unity. By subway interior thematic positioning, more intensive subway line network today, not only allows space for passengers in



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