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摘 要 第六部分是结束语。反思本文研究存在的不足之处,指出需要进一步研究的方向。 关键词 财政支出 经济增长 β收敛 区域经济差距 II Abstract Abstract Economic growth is the premise and the base of the economic development and the improvement of society to a nation or a region,therefore it has been the main research topic of economics for a long time. Economists always paid more attention on the long-run trend and the inner mechanism of the economic growth. By convergence hypothesis based on the neoclassical economic growth theories, the attracting anticipation to the long-run trend of regional economic growth was put forward and the powerful explanation for economic disparity that exists of district was given. On this ground,the issue of convergence or divergence、the speed of convergence and the cause of convergence, became the hot topics of regional economics study. Nowadays, the situation of the disparity of regional economy in our country goes worse. As the local government displaying macroeconomic regulation, its expenditure policies can suppress the infinite expansion of the regional economic development disparity effectively, and achieve the fair of different regions and the optimized disposition of resources. Then, the problem existing is that, with the regional disparity expansion, what the change about regional economic growth is? With convergence to the regional economic growth, what influence the local fiscal expenditure policy can have? Based on this, this article tries to use the convergence theory to carry on the positive examination to the economic disparity questions of 30 provinces in China, and discusses the influence of the local fiscal expenditure and its correlation variable grows to the regional economic convergence. This article consists of six parts: The first part is an introduction. Which briefly introduces the background and the basis of the selected topic, and also reviews the research tendency and progress analysis of our country regional economic growth of domestic and foreign scholars co



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