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I I 摘 要 摘 要 图像分割在数字医学图像处理中占据着举足轻重的地位,分割质量的好坏会直接影 响图像后续处理步骤的准确顺利进行,医学中要处理的图像有很多种,如 MRI(核磁共 振成像),CT(计算机断层扫描成像),X 线图像等。由于医学图像具有拓扑结构变化复杂 的特点,而几何主动轮廓模型方法具有处理该类问题的优势,因此文章采用几何主动轮 廓法进行图像分割。 然而对于医学图像低对比度,低锐利度,灰度不均匀,存在噪声的特点,初始的 几何主动轮廓模型方法的分割结果并不能达到很理想的效果,因此针对模型的一些不足 之处进行了改进,主要研究成果如下: 在测地线模型(GAC)的基础上进行改进,通过引入局部区域信息量,构造符号压力 函数,替换测地线模型中的边界停止函数,通过水平集方法演化得到新模型,由最后分 割结果可看出利用了局部区域信息的新模型效果明显优于传统的 GAC 模型,在速度和 准确性上都有了较大提高。 由于传统 C-V 模型利用全局信息,不能处理细微部分的分割,而 LBF 模型通过高 斯核来加权局部区域灰度,初始化不灵活,且易陷入局部极值,本文在两种模型的基础 上,构造一种新型的利用局部和全局图像拟合目标能量函数,通过极小化原始图像与拟 合图像之间的差值来进行分割,有效解决了上述问题,并使得初始化更具有鲁棒性,实 验结果验证了该模型的可行性。 关键词 图像分割 几何主动轮廓模型 水平集 测地线模型 C-V 模型 LBF 模型 II II Abstract Abstract Image segmentation plays a very important role in digital image processing, the quality of the segmentation will directly influence the accuracy of subsequent image processing steps, there are many kinds of medical image to handle, such as MRI(magnetic resonance imaging ), CT and X-ray image and so on. Because of medical image has the characteristics of the complex topology changing, and the geometric active contour model method has the advantage of processing of these problems, so the geometric active contour is used to segment image in this paper. Because of the characters of low contrast, low sharpness, intensity inhomogeneity and presence of noise appeared in medical image, the final results of the original GAC model can not reach an ideal effect, so in this paper, we analyze and make some improvements to point against the limitations, the key research findings are as follows: First we make an improvement on the basic of the geometric active contour, we structure a SPF(sign pressure function) through introducing a local area information, then the SPF is used to replace the boundary stop function which is used in the geometric active contour model, and we get the new model by the evolution of level set method, compared with the segmentation result of the traditional GAC method, we can obviously find the new method get an better



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