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II II 中文摘要 改善聚丙烯工程管材的耐疲劳性研究 样品疲劳处理、且测定样品疲劳寿命曲线。 (2)首次比较试验发现,茂金属等规聚丙烯管材长期服役后外观出现应力泛白, 但晶型未见明显变化;齐格勒-纳塔等规聚丙烯管材长期使用后外观未出现明显变化, 但晶型明显变化。 关键词:等规聚丙烯,接枝共聚,共混,扭转疲劳,晶型转变,耐疲劳性 作 者:刘中华 校内指导老师:朱新生 校外指导导师:任 俊 PAGE PAGE IV Study on improvement of the fatigue resistance of ziegler-natta isotactic polypropylene engineering mandrel pipes Abstract Study on improvement of the fatigue resistance of ziegler-natta isotactic polypropylene engineering mandrel pipes Abstract The substitution of isotactic polypropylene (IPP) engineering pipes for hygroscopically distortional paper ones has not made perceptual progress in the paper rewinding process of paper industry, even though the attempt was begun in the end of last century. One of the major reasons can be the deterioration of mechanical properties after their being served for some reasonable periods. The microstructure and properties of the imported IPP pipes and homemade ones after long time service in reality were investigated and compared in the first part of the thesis. Secondly, the melt grafting polymerization onto Ziegler-Natta isotactic polypropylene with multifunctional monomers was carried out in Brabender Mixer. The microstructure and properties of the fatigued grafting specimens with the self-made torsion fatigue tester were analyzed. Thirdly, the microstructure and properties of the fatigued blending specimens, made of IPP blended with nylon 6 and alpha nucleating agent respectively, with the self-made fatigue device were analyzed as well. The main conclusions were obtained as follows. Although metallocene IPP mandrel pipes showed stress whitening on the inner wall surface after long time service, no alpha – beta crystalline transition had been found. Unexpectedly, there were no apparent changes in appearance for Ziegler-Natta IPP pipes after service, whereas alpha – beta crystalline transition had really occurred. This may indicate the difference of fatigue resistance of the two IPP pipes. Namely, the metallocene IPP pi



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