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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 我国是世界上最大的服装消费国和服装生产国。服装产业的发展对于我国经 济发展有着巨大的促进作用。信息技术的发展使得服装企业能够通过互联网进行 服装销售,减少服装销售的各种中间环节。本文以河南某服装企业销售信息系统 为例进行服装销售电子商务信息系统的设计与开发。 本文从企业服装销售系统的研究背景出发,研究国内外服装销售系统的相关 理论、发展现状和特征,对课题的研究目的、研究意义和研究内容进行分析。在 系统的开发技术方面,结合软件工程设计思想,采用 B/S 体系结构,使用 J2EE 技术和 JSP、Serverlet 和 JDBC 作为系统开发技术。在系统需求分析阶段,对系 统的需求分析方法、系统主要参与者、用户实际业务需求、系统功能需求分析和 系统非功能性需求分析进行描述。在系统总体设计阶段,分别阐述了系统技术架 构、逻辑结构、系统模块设计和系统数据库设计等。采用 UML 建模技术对系统 的各个功能模块进行详细设计。最后对系统的各个功能模块的具体实现和测试进 行了简要阐述。最终实现了系统基础功能、商品管理、商品购买及在线支付等功 能模块。 本文所研究的服装销售信息系统,有效提升了服装企业销售的信息化水平, 为服装企业综合竞争力的提升提供了技术支持。 关键词: 电子商务 信息系统 J2EE 销售 ABSTRACT China is the largest clothes consuming and producing country in the world. Clothing industry ha promoted the economic development of our country. With the development of information technology, clothes can be sold through internet. The middle chain during traditional selling process can be efficiently reduced. A clothing company in Henan province is selected as background for the research of clothes selling information system. This article embarks from the research background of garment enterprise sales system, analyses the relevant theoretical research at home and abroad clothing sales system, development status and characteristics, on the subject of the research purpose, research significance and the research content. In the development of the system, combining with the software engineering design idea, this system uses B/S architecture, and uses J2EE technology and JSP, Serverlet and JDBC as the system development technology. In the system requirements analysis phase, this paper analyzes and expounds the system demand analysis method, major players in the system, the actual business needs of the user, system functional requirements analysis and system non functional requirements. In the overall design stage, the paper describes the system technology structure, logic structure, system module design and system database design, etc.. At the same time, this paper uses the UML modeling technology to de



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