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摘要 摘要 I I 摘 要 近年来,中国白酒在经历了塑化剂风波、禁酒驾、三公经费限制等事件后, 行业逐步进入了调整期,各个白酒企业纷纷制定新的策略来应对市场环境的变 化。稻花香酒业公司是在“黄金十年”中快速成长起来的白酒企业,对其营销 策略的研究,有利于企业制定新的营销策略和指导具体营销实践。 本文首先介绍国内白酒的行业现状和竞争格局,分析了稻花香公司的外部 营销环境和内部营销状况,通过运用 PEST 分析白酒企业所处的行业环境,运用 波特五力分析白酒企业的所处竞争环境,运用 SWOT 分析稻花香公司的优势与劣 势,并为之进行了匹配;其次对白酒消费者的行为进行分析,运用市场细分和 STP 理论来选择目标市场,进行产品定位;最后以 4P,s 理论为主线,对稻花香 公司产品的定价、分销、促销策略进行了详细分析,得出了稻花香公司的市场 营销策略。 本文所要达到的目标:第一,运用营销理论及方法指导稻花香公司的营销 实践,进行具体的营销策略设计;第二,营销理论与实践相结合,补充营销实 践中的不足,解决白酒产品营销中存在的实际问题。第三,稻花香公司成功经 验的研究可以帮助一些中小型白酒企业规划自己的营销策略体系,走上健康有 序的发展轨道。 关键词:白酒 竞争分析 市场细分 营销策略 Abst Abstract II II Abstract In recent years, after the wave of plasticizer, alcohol thereof limit, public spending restrictions, Chinese liquor go gradually into the adjustment period, each liquor companies develop new strategies to cope with the change of market environment. Daohuaxiang liquor company is rapidly growing up in the “golden decade”of period, we are studying its marketing strategy will be used to develop new marketing strategy and guide the enterprises marketing practice. This paper first introduces the development situation of and competition pattern, analyzed the Daohuaxiang liquor companys external marketing environment and internal conditions, by using PEST analysis the enterprise industry environment, using the Potter five forces analysis the competitive environment of the enterprise, the SWOT analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the Daohuaxiang liquor company, and the matching; Second, liquor consumer behavior is analysed, market segmentation and the STP theory are used to select the target market, product positioning; Finally, on the 4P,s theory as the main line, the Daohuaxiang company product pricing, distribution, promotion strategy are analyzed in detail, it is concluded that the Daohuaxiang companys marketing strategy. In this article to achieve the goal of: first, using the marketing theory and method to guide Daohuaxiang liquor companys marketing practice, to design the specific ma



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