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养蟹稻田(P<0.05),且 Pielou 均匀度指数也在拔节期显著高于低密
度养蟹稻田(P<0.05)。成熟期,3 种处理底栖动物的种类数和密度 均达到最低点,Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数无显著差异(P>0.05), 高密度养蟹稻田的 Pielou 均匀度指数显著高于常规稻田(P<0.05)。 关键词:稻蟹共生,中华绒螯蟹,浮游动物,浮游植物,底栖动物, 多样性
Study on the effects of plankton and zoobenthos in rice-crab culture system
Paddy field ecological new technology of planting and breeding is accounted for a new type of ecological intercropping model. It is a kind of typical three-dimensional ecological agriculture. Its characteristic is according to the rice and Eriocheir sinensis growth reproductive characteristics and biological characteristics, applying modern science and technology, the planting, breeding and relevant processing ably combined to form the many species coexistence, multi-level configuration, multilevel energy circulation transformation of the stereo cultivation, breeding and supporting technology, to realize the economic, social and ecological three benefits is harmonious and unified.
To our knowledge, there has been no research into the plankton and zoobenthos diversity of rice-crab culture system as most research efforts are directed towards the rational selection of rice variety, cultivation and management measures in this system. But plankton and zoobenthos communities play a very important role in this complex ecological system. In order to study the effect of rice-crab culture system on plankton and zoobenthos communities in paddy field, periodic sampling was conducted
monthly from rice-crab culture system and conventional paddy field when the rice in four key growing stage (tilling stage, elongation stage, flowering stage and maturing stage) and the samplings totaled up to four times, then analyzed their species composition, average density, average biomass and diversity. Crab larvae were stocked at the density of 0 ind m-2
(the contrast check, namely CK), 10 ind m-2 (the low density treatment,
namely LD) and 30 ind m-2 (the high density treatment, namely HD)
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