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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 地方文化在城市广场设计中的表达和运用 专 业:艺术设计 硕 士 生:张艺馨 指导教师:王葆华 副教授 摘 要 近年来,伴随着不断加快的城市化进程和城市建设热潮,城市广场作为城市 公共生活的中心在全国各地被大量地兴建。由于历史因素和对城市广场空间本质 的认识不足,加之全球化浪潮的席卷和冲击,城市广场的设计也出现了诸多问题, 其中以地方特色的缺失为甚。地方文化因其自身特性成为城市广场寻求自身特色 的最佳手段。而城市广场也是当代在文化全球化背景下日益边缘化的地方文化寻 求保护与传承的最佳载体。 本文从地方文化与城市广场的相关基本理论入手,分析了目前当今中国城市 广场设计中存在的诸多问题以及地方文化与城市广场之间的内在联系。进而以大 量感性材料的收集为基础,归纳整理出地方文化在城市广场中表达的载体,系统 地分析研究地方文化在城市广场设计中的运用手法,并以代表性实例加以验证, 提出地方文化与相关民俗活动结合的重要性及途径。在此基础上,提出具有地方 特色城市广场的设计原则和方法。最后,结合设计实践,从设计层面提出解决具 有地方特色的城市广场设计问题的可行方案,以期能够对今后的相关实践予以借 鉴。 关键词:地方文化;城市广场;载体;设计方法;宝鸡 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 Expression and application of local culture in city square design Major:Art Design Postgraduate: Zhang Yixin Tutor:Wang Baohua ABSTRACT Recent years, with the accelerating boom of urbaniza tion and urban constructio n, the city square, the center of public life in the city, has been spread a lot around the country. Due to the lack of understanding of the historical factors and the nature of urban square space ,however, coupled with globalization shock, there have been many problems in design of the city square, featured with the lack of local characteristics . Local cultural characteristics can be the best means to seek its own characteristics. City Plaza, also in the cultural context of contemporary globalization, should be an effective way of heritage protection and the best carrier of local cultur e. In this paper, the basic theory related to local culture and the city square, the intrinsic link many problems exist in Chinas urban plaza design today as well as the connection between local culture and urban plaza will be illustrated. Furthermore, based on a large collection of materials, the expression vector of local culture in the city square will be collated and analyzed, and the use of local cultural practices in the town square design will be systematically described; and finally be verified by representative examples. On those above basis, principles and m



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