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论 文 题 目:地铁隧道盾构下穿对既有隧道的影响研究 专业:结构工程硕士 专 业:结构工程 硕 士 生:李冀伟 指 导 教 师:王小林 (签名) 摘 要 随着城市地下工程的不断发展,新建隧道下穿既有隧道工程不断涌现,特别在地铁 车站和区间隧道工程中尤为突出。而如何进一步优化下穿工程设计、施工,补充、完善 现有规范,确保既有线隧道运营安全,已成为下穿隧道工程中期待解决的重要课题。 在理论分析基础上,结合某地铁盾构隧道下穿既有隧道工程实例,通过有限元数值 模拟和现场监测数据分析,研究了新建隧道下穿既有隧道施工时围岩变形规律。结果表 明采用盾构法下穿越既有隧道是可行的,注浆加固地层有效地控制了围岩沉降,施工对 周围土体变形影响有一定叠加效应,新建盾构隧道正交下穿施工对既有隧道的影响主要 集中在空间正交点附近。 针对工程实例的具体情况,重点研究并模拟了不同施工参数条件下,新建隧道与既 有隧道间的相互影响规律,并对施工参数进行了优化。结果表明:新建隧道的合理注浆 半径为 2m~3m;合理净距范围为 6m~12m,也就是 1D 到 1.5D 之间;合理施工面错 距为 20m~35m;当新建隧道掌子面距离既有隧道大于 10m 时,建议新建隧道每天施工 进尺小于 3m,当新建隧道掌子面距离既有隧道小于 10m,而未到达既有隧道时,建议 新建隧道每天施工进尺小于 2m,当新建隧道掌子面位于既有隧道范围内时,建议新建 隧道每天开挖进尺小于 1.5m。 本文根据对实际工况、模拟及参数优化结果,并结合现场监测数据及相关工程经验, 提出了下穿隧道施工的关键措施。 关 键 词:盾构隧道;下穿施工;既有隧道;数值模拟;参数优化 研究类型:应用型 Subject : Study on the Influence of Undercrossed Subway Shield Tunnel on the Existing Tunnel Specialty : Geotechnical Engineering Name : Li Ji-wei (Signature) Instructor : Wang Xiao-lin (Signature) ABSTRACT With the constant expansion of subway construction, we will have to face the emergence of a variety of new tunnels constructed beneath the existing tunnels, especially in the projects of subway stations and transit tunnels. Therefore, it has become a key topic that needs to be solved in the undercrossed tunnel construction, involving the optimization of the design and construction of undercrossed projects, the supplementation and improvement of the existing standards, and ensurance of operation safety of the exsting tunnel. Based on the theoretical analysis and the actual project of a subway shield tunnel undercrossing the existing tunnel, this thesis aims to study the deformation law of the surrounding rocks in the project of new tunnel undercrossing the existing tunnel, with the numerical simulation of Finite Element Software and the monitoring data of the project. It proves that the shielding method used in undercrossing the existing tunnel is reliable, and grouting reinforcement can effectively control the subsidence of surrounding rocks. B



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