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THE THOUGHT OF IMPROVING THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CURRENT SITUATION OF THE POLITICAL TEACHERS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of Henan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education By Yang Hong Qian Supervisor: Prof. Liu Minghua Senior Teacher: Yang Shuhui May,2015 I I 摘 要 随着新课改以及经济社会发展的需要,中学政治教师面临着严峻的考验,传统的一 成不变的“教书匠”的角色已不再能够满足其自身、学校以及中学生的发展需求,“科 研兴教”的新理念已成为一种不可抗拒的潮流趋势。教育科学研究就是指教师在教中学, 在学中教,将教学实践与科研理论有机的结合起来,从而提高其自身教学能力的研究。 具备良好的教学科研能力是广大中学政治教师进行科学研究,探索教学科研规律,进而 提高其教学质量的重要保障。然而大部分中学政治教师缺乏科学研究意识,不能正确的 认识到科研的重要性以及意义,从而丧失了进行科学研究的兴趣和动力,进而阻碍其自 身科研素质以及能力的提升,大大降低其工作效率。 本研究主要从以下几个方面来进行分析: 1、中学政治教师进行科学研究的背景及意义。本文从“教师即研究者”的使命以 及中学政治教师专业成长的迫切需求两大方面来阐述其进行科学研究的重要性和必要 性。 2、中学政治教师进行科学研究的发展现状及制约因素。这是本文研究的重要内容, 主要从中学政治教师自身的综合科研素质、中学科研环境等方面来进行分析,从而揭示 了阻碍中学政治教师科研成果取得的普遍原因,进而探讨分析了中学政治教师科研现状 的制约因素。 3、改进中学政治教师科研现状的对策。亦是本文的重点部分。从教师自身、学校 等方面提出了一些切实可行的措施,旨在促进中学政治教师科研能力的发展。 关键词:中学政治教师,科研能力,科研意识,科研素养,科研理论知识 III III IV IV ABSTRACT With the new curriculum reform and the social economic developed, the middle school political teachers facing a severe test. The traditional role of the teacher is no longer to meet the development of the school 、the students and even its own. The new concept of scientific can develop education has become an irresistible trend. Education scientific research is the research which refers to teachers learn in the teaching, and combine the teaching practice with the theory of scientific, in order to improve the ability of their teaching. Good ability for teaching and scientific research is the important guarantee of the middle school political teachers doing the scientific research, exploring the regularity of teaching and scientific research, and all above to improve the quality of its teaching. However, most of the middle school politics teachers are lack of scientific research consciousness, can not correctly realize the importance and significance of scientific research, thus lost the in



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