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I I 摘要 摘 要 长期以来,农业、农村和农民问题一直是决定我国全面建设小康社会进程和 现代化进程的关键性问题,解决“三农”问题是全党工作的重点,新农村建设成 为党和国家工作全局的重中之重,新农村建设的经济发展模式研究也越来越受到 重视,但由于我国幅员辽阔,各地情况差异较大,新农村建设的经济发展模式必 然呈现多样性。 基于此,本文采取文献研究和案例分析的方法,以“攀枝花市新农村建设经 济发展模式研究”为立论,注重构建达成目标的方法,综合运用管理学、政治学、 经济学等学科的研究资料和成果,通过大量的文献搜集,了解国内外有关新农村 建设的研究成果;通过对国内外新农村建设的经验,特别是经济发展典型成功模 式的分析研究,提出其可资借鉴的经验和启示;立足攀枝花农村经济发展现状及 特点,找出其存在的主要问题并分析其原因;从公共决策理论、公共选择理论、 公共管理理论的角度,结合攀枝花农村地域分布情况及攀枝花市农村建设实际, 通过对攀枝花新农村建设的经济发展模式重构的有利条件和制约因素的分析,试 图建构攀枝花市新农村建设全新模式,提出攀枝花新农村建设经济发展模式实现 的路径和政策建议。 关键词:公共政策 新农村建设 经济发展模式 攀枝花农业 II II ABSTRACT ABSTRACT For a long time, agriculture, rural areas and farmers has been the decision of the process for China to build a well-off society and modernization of key issues, solving the three rural issue is the focus of the Party work, the construction of new countryside as the overall situation for the Party and the country , the construction of the new model of economic development in rural areas paid more and more attention. Because China has vast, greatly varied ground,the new pattern of economic development in rural areas must have diversity. So,The ways of this analysis in literature and cases focusing on the process of building new countryside in “Panzhihua research and the methods of construction” for achieving goals, being good use of management, political science, economics and other disciplines of research data and results,through collecting extensive literature to understand the domestic and foreign research results of new rural construction; by domestic and international experience in building new countryside, especially the successful model of economic development analysis of a typical study can be put forward their valuable experience and enlightenment; based on status and rural economic development in Panzhihua features,finding out the existent problems and analysing their causes from public decision-making theory, public choice theory, public management theory, combined with the geographical distribution of rural areas in Pan



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