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西安建筑 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 discusses such mechanism. Meanwhile, based on the changes of the basic mechanical property of fine sand, the author also correspondingly analyzes grouting reinforcement effect. According to the above research findings, the author of this article focuses on the indoor testing of characteristics of reinforced fine sand ,discusses the relationship of stress and strain of the reinforced fine sand under axial load, and tests the different indexes of the reinforced fine sand under different PH values, like hydrolysis intensity, stability in water loss, exposure duration, and its own shear strength. Through theoretical analysis, indoor experiment, contrastive analysis of results, the author gets performance data of the reinforced fine sand in the reinforced fine sand layer with water glass and calcium chloride injected in it, which can provide significant reference data for later similar grouting methods or feasible experimental study data and theoretical support for grouting construction in some special areas like desert areas to make this kind of sand layer reinforcing method widely applied. Keywords: fine sand ; sodium silicate , calcium chloride ; composite chemical grouting ; sand body reinforcement ; characterization 西安建筑 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 I I 目录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 1 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 课题的提出与研究意义 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.2 课题研究目的 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 1.3.1 注浆技术的发展历史 2 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 1.3.2 注浆技术研究与应用的高潮 2 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 1.3.3 存在的问题 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 1.4 本文研究路线及主要内容 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 1.4.1 本文研究技术路线 6 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark9 1.4.2 本文主要研究内容 8 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark10 2 细砂的室内试验研究及工程应用 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark11 2.1 工程概况 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark12 2.2 地质条件 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark13 2.3 细砂基本物理力学指标分析 10 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark14 2.3.1 砂样含水率、密度及干密度测试 10 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark15 2.3.2 细砂颗粒级配分析试验 11 HYPER



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