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摘要 摘 要 I I 摘 要 具有复杂曲面的零部件在能源、运载、国防和电子产品等行业有着广泛的应用, 如舰船螺旋桨、飞行器外壳、航空发动机的叶轮及汽车覆盖件的精密模具等。这些 工业产品的制造水平代表着国家制造业的核心竞争力,而这些产品制造的两大关键 技术就是复杂曲线曲面的几何建模及刀具轨迹的规划。 本文以非均匀有理 B 样条方法(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline,简称 NURBS) 为基础,在给出 2 次、 3 次 NURBS 曲线, 2??3次、 3??3 次 NURBS 曲面矩阵表 示形式的基础上,首先,给出圆、椭圆弧等二次曲线的 NURNS 表示;其次, 对复杂曲面进行几何建模,并以几何模型为基础进行曲面微分几何参数的计算 及分析,根据复杂曲面高斯曲率、平均曲率及主曲率的大小及分布对复杂曲面 进行了分片规划,分片之后针对不同的区域选择不同半径尺寸的刀具分别进行 轨迹规划。 在轨迹规划时,以环形铣刀为刀具,利用改进的等残留高度法对复杂曲面进行 刀具轨迹规划,即在传统等残留高度算法的基础上,分析计算刀触点处工件曲面和 刀具曲面的曲率,确定刀具走刀步长,通过环形铣刀有效切削轮廓与工件残留高度 偏置线求截交点的方法来计算当前刀触点路径的有效加工带宽,并将求出的有效加 工带宽作为走刀行距进行相关计算,分析了刀具姿态对加工效率的影响,并进行了 刀具姿态的调整与确定。最后利用 MATLAB 软件实现了复杂曲面几何建模、基于 曲面微分几何特性的分片算法和分片刀具轨迹的计算及仿真。 关键词:NURBS;曲线曲面几何建模;复杂曲面分片;环形刀;刀具轨迹规划 II II Abstract Parts and components with complicated curves and surfaces are widely applied in the field of energy, transportation, national defense and electronic products, such as propeller in fleet, shield of spacecraft, impeller of aero-engine and the precise modules of the cars’ covering parts. The sophisticated manufacturing process will enhance the competitiveness in the market. The key technology in the manufacturing process is the geometric model of the complicated curves and surfaces and the tool-path plans. Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (hereafter NURBS) is adopted in the modeling to attain the square /cubic curves and the expression of square-cubic /cubic-cubic NURBS surface matrixes. Based on the output, the square curve of circle/arc is expressed in NURNS and then geometric model of complicated surface is established. Differential geometry parameters of the model is then calculated and analyzed. According to the distribution of Gaussian curvature, average curvature and main curvature, the complicated surface is divided into different sections. Different tools and corresponding plans are selected for each section. Annular milling cutter using advanced constant scallop-height method in the tool-path planning process is described in the following report. By analyzing the c



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