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AbstractThe仔aCtal Abstract The仔aCtal is one braIld-new geome缸y conc印t.It is based on me study of t11e矗aCtal mamematical f-onnula sCheme,not b血g aIly symbolic significallce,but t11e profoulld mysterious Visu甜feeliIlg.hl tlle劬ct甜 iIllages creation process,many unexpected stochastic shapes will appear along wiⅡl me mamematical mnction iterative computation,embracing not determ协ism but two feamres which show matⅡle smaU data challge may cause tlle output伊aph ChaIlge alldⅡ1at tlle identical伊印h emlllsts wim tlle di疵rent colo血g algorimnl present崦t量le(1i脓咖aItistic e仃ect.n could be safely said mat仔actal鄹ph extends the traditional gr印h art and takes hIlIIlaIlity the completely new esmetic idea and me esthetic印peal. The矿aph is one of吐le most iIIlportaIlt elements ill Visu酿an.Ill廿1e past,we c撕ed on tlle creatiV姆desi伊to tlle graph based on tlle iIllage 姚iIlg.CompariIlg wim it,Ⅱle疔aCtal铲aph is Imw me coll曲iIlation of 仔actal geometfy,computer technology and art to a large extent.The article touched f而m me desi驴ef’s a119le of View focus m豳ly on mat廿1e artists ellrich u11ceasiIlgly tlle meaIls of cre撕on a11d expressions wim t11e geome仃y creation rational匆a11d the stochastic伊aph lilll【iIlg to perc印t mought.The 疔aCtal iIllages with exploring and experiIIlental nature sunIlou】咀s our inlagiIlation brea玉$ttll.ough the limmltion of human thought a11d giVes bi吡to me铲aph creation iIl eIlli曲te舳ent.MoreoVer it could be taken adVantage of Ul仃a疔aCtm to design perfectly.As one new di百tal creation way’the f}actal meory is oVerlappiIlg deVelopment iIl mamematics and art.Besides its artistic Value,me new黟aph art wim rich esmetic sense II and scientific connotation may be utilized in the many kinds of domains such as the plane design,白。textile design,the ftlm and television animation and so on. Its practical value could bring 由e good economic efficiency as well. ηlOugh 也e fractal graph research,we realize th副 there is comrnon ground between the scientist and the artist in the research,世le n



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